Aion 3 5 0 12 Full Client Download

Download this: 4. Extract the contents to the Aion folder itself. Try running the. Thank you so much for replying!:) So, I just unzip the file in Aion main folder and let the client patch again or should I file repair? Today, I've decided to open my Aion-Core Full Source to world. Cuz Aion Developer Community is really dead and No one interested to develop any-more and all just wait for others to make/implement some new features and STEAL IT. So the Aion Project is over for me and I'll return to better game communities with Pro Coders such as Call of Duty Series, BattleField3-4 Series. Note: I implemented Full Commercial Licensing System (Client/Server) for Aion-Core Community for protecting my works but NOW I REMOVED IT and This is my Full Source with all features v4.7.5.x (NO LICENSE SYSTEM) I NEVER SHARE MY LICENSE SYSTEM TO WORLD AND NO ONE HAS ITS SOURCE CODE. SO ALL SHARS WITHOUT MY NAME IS FAKE.

Here is some of new features Implemented by @GiGatR00n: • Fully Source Clean-up which makes it 3x faster than before • is fully implemented: Features: ========= 1). All Instance features and Mobs are fully coded and working retail like. Full Drop Items (Kunax ArmorSet, WeaponSet, Accessories) 3). Boss Skills (Ide Scale, Aggressive Shot, Slaughtering Cleave, Cleaving Massacre, Howl of Emptiness, Fierce Roar (Full).) 4). Mobs Skills (Attack Skills vs. Heal and Rage Skills) even more accurate than NcSoft System 5).

Aion 3 5 0 12 Full Client Download

Instance BUFFs (Resurrection) 6). Environment Factors + Skills (Unstable Ide Energy, Ide Explosion.) 7). ShallowWater fully coded using new mathematics formula (It more accurate than NCSoft) 8). New AI System for controlling Boss and Mobs 9). New Tribe 'Invulnerable' for Creatures 10). Chests (Aether Bomb, Freeze Bomb, Defensive Scroll) 11).

Rewards (AbyssPoints, GloryPoints, Boxes.) with Config for each of them 12). Anti-Cheat System for Emulating Packets and getting more rewards (No one can trick to system) 13). All Hidden NPCs fully coded and implemented as Retail. Any many more. • Fully Implemented Broker System v4.7.5.x 1).

Config file: '' 2). All Packets Fully Implemented 3). New Selling System Implemented SellAll SellSplit 4).

New Selling Hours Implemented 5). MySQL DB Updated to Cover New Selling System (New Field Added) 6). Broker Config Implemented for Admins (Expired Period, Anti-Hack Punishment.) 7).

Fixed settle_time for Broker Items 8). Buy/Sell/Search/ExpiredItems/SetteledAccount • Hotspot Teleport Service + Config files 1). Config file: '' # --------------------------------------------- # HOTSPOT TELEPORT (By GiGatR00n v4.7. Photoshop Essentials Pdf Torrent. 5.x) # --------------------------------------------- # Set the Teleportation Delay in Milliseconds gameserver.hotspot.teleport.delay = 10000 # Set Teleportation Cooldown Time in Seconds gameserver.hotspot.teleport.cooldown.delay = 600 2). Observer to verify whether the player is in Action(Move,UseSkill,Die,Attacked.) while Teleporting? If so, Cancel Teleportation • Fully Implemented Multi-Return Scrolls v4.7.5.x 1).

Config file: '' 2). Added Full Parser + Source for Scrolls (It can be used for other XML files too) • Fully implemented ' Invulnerable' Tribe (Even in Skills) • Updated SM_ATTACK for all new v4. Kiwi Cat Tools 3 Keygen Download on this page. 7.5 to v4.8 Instances Note: Now all two way Bosses/Monsters can attack both and Units from v4.7.x.x Bosses like have Two types of AutoAttack • 95% full npc_trade_list.xml (Reparsed and Reworked) • Fully Updated ' MathUtil Class' to handle new features of v4.7.5.x Instances like Shallow-Watter, Poisons. Idian Depths, Idgel Dome, Danuar Reliquary.

Ereshkigal’s forces have assembled in the now-icy core of the Abyss. Gather your allies and prepare to attack – Aion: Heart of Frost is coming January 10. Divine Fortress Return to the Abyss Core and Divine Fortress, where Ereshkigal’s forces gather and grow in number. Fight alongside allies to reclaim the Divine Fortress and drive back the advancing icy army. Mirash Sanctum Harvesters continue to experiment with Drana and now have discovered a way to revive Ereshkigal's fallen troops.

Frozen Monolith A powerful guardian stands before a tower rumored to be linked to Ereshkigal’s influence in the Abyss. This is a small portion of what awaits in Aion: Heart of Frost. Stay tuned for more information as we near the launch on January 10!

Pure Plumes and Empyrean Bracelets are powerful items blessed by the Empyrean Lords for all Daevas to use. Tempered Power has returned offering divine rewards for those that Temper to the appropriate levels. Temper your Pure Plume and Empyrean Bracelet during the promotion to receive rewards based on the final temper level at the end! Eligibility • Only Pure Plumes and Empyrean Bracelets tempered during the event period will qualify for the rewards. Normal plumes are not eligible. • Any previously tempered Pure Plumes and Empyrean Bracelets can qualify as long as they are tempered at least once to +5 or higher (for Pure Plumes) or +7 or higher (for Empyrean Bracelets) during the event period. • Players must have a qualifying Pure Plume and/or Bracelet equipped on their character or in their inventory during our January 10 maintenance in order to qualify for the rewards.

• Players with multiple qualifying Pure Plumes and/or Bracelets are eligible to receive rewards for each Pure Plume and/or Bracelet. Snow has freshly fallen in Atreia, and the Shugo footprints plentiful. One special Shugo named Frosterinerk claims wonderful rewards await the Daevas that make Aetherized snowballs. Gather the snowball and aetherize them to see what rewards are hidden inside. - Part One: Frosterinerk's Gift - In the capital cities, talk to Frosterinerk daily to get Snowballs. To cultivate the aetherized Snowballs, right-click or double-click on the Snowball to enchant it to the next level.

Enchant the snowball up to +10 to make the Brilliant Snowball. When you open the Brilliant Snowball you will get (1) Icy Shard and (1) Brilliant Fragment.

Combine these items to get a Brilliant Ice Prism, which offers a random high value prize. If the snowball explodes at any point before +10, random prizes will automatically be redeemed into your inventory. For levels 30+ two Snowballs can be collected daily from Frosterinerk. If you're level 66+, an additional one Snowball for every 30 minutes you are logged in up to six.

In total this means you can get up to eight free Snowballs per character per day! Additionally, once per account per day you can pick up a bundle of five Snowballs from the for 1 NCoin. In addition to these Snowballs, you will be able to claim a survey (one per account per server) each week of the event giving you an additional 10 Snowballs. If you need even more Snowballs, bosses from instances have a chance to drop them as well as well as being able to be purchased from the. Snowballs with enchantment levels 4 and above have a chance to give an Icy Shard (+10 Snowballs will always give an Icy Shard as noted above), which can be combined with a Brilliant Fragment, also available on the, to create the Brilliance Ice Prism.

= + = - Part Two: Snowflake Crystals (Level 30+) - If you use up all of your Snowballs from Frosterinerk, Wintrinerk will be more than happy to trade you a +1 Snowball for (10) Snowflake Crystals. Snowflake Crystals can only be acquired after a snowball explodes after attempting to enchant it. - Part Three: Joyful Bundle (Level 30+) - While Freeziman contemplates his existence as a talking snowman, he offers you a Joyful Bundle that you can pick up from him daily. Open the bundle to receive (1) [Event] Dye Bundle and (1) random buff scroll. Various types of buff scrolls can be acquired with many offering effects to all party members. If you have friends or Legion mates within similar levels and they have differing scrolls, try to group together to share the effects! - Rewards - You can find the full list of rewards available on the forums Frozen Magic ends January 10, 2018.

Aetherize as many Snowballs as you can, Daevas! The Giving Grove is returning on December 6 which brings the mystical prize-bearing trees.

Grab your friends and fellow faction mates to grow and bloom the saplings and be rewarded with special treets. - How To Participate - Tomorrow in the capital cities you will find three Magic Saplings and the Arbor Keeper. Speaking to the Arbor Keeper will give you a one-time quest, which provides you with a nutrient bundle.

Upon opening the bundle you will be able to pick the nutrient corresponding to the sapling you wish to use it on (Robust, Shiny, and Solemn). Use the nutrient on the sapling to receive an Inferior Present and a Magic Tree Seed.

Upon obtaining 1,500 Magic Tree Seeds you can combine them to get a Fused Magic Tree Seed. You can use this seed to grow the Magic Trees to the next stage. Magic Tree Seeds are tradeable so be sure to work together to grow the trees! The player that uses the Fused Magic Seed to grow the tree will be granted the corresponding Very Special Present which contains a unique title! If the tree is already at the final stage, using a Fused Magic Seed will still grant a Present, but it will not be the same one as growing the tree.

There are three different trees, and each one has three stages. The higher a tree’s stage is, the better the reward is when you feed it nutrients. Each tree offers different rewards, so be sure to use your nutrients, or seed, on the tree you want! Additionally, all three trees will be reverted to their sapling forms after each maintenance. If you are looking for additional nutrients, you will automatically be granted one per hour you are logged in, up to two per day.

Prestige Pack holders will get a special survey once per week after the maintenance containing five nutrients. You will also be able to obtain nutrients from certain bosses inside instances.

Black Cloud Trader Shugos thank Daevas for all their years of assistance. For a limited time, Shugos offer Daeva discounts-- Black Cloud Friday discounts.

From November 22 to 27, get deals on Luna, Berdin’s Lucky Stars, inventory expansion and more. Additional items will be added on Cyber Monday so don’t forget to check back then!