Originally Posted by brite-View @ozonepilot - It's been clearly stated that a firmware release would be forthcoming barring any major issues. Currently RC3 has some issues surrounding USB and BT functions which are being worked on; some things that appear to be fixed is the MKV Header Compression and Sound issues. In regards to systems that show a Code 14 or 16, all I can provide you with is what I know, which is RC3 will not load on systems displaying that boot code.

Bv-5005hd Firmware Update

As soon as I receive further guidance regarding boot Code 14 / 16 boxes I will be happy to share that with the rest of the community. I don't know WTF you are, nor do I care, but on the brite-view Facebook it tells quite a different story.and both you and some a*shole Tony on the Brite-View forum are trying to BS the forum on AVS and on the Brite View forum. As far as I'm concerned Brite-View shouldn't even have a f'n thread on AVS. Brite-View and their personell are a bunch of f'n liars.you, the as*hole Tony at BV [unless you're him too], and support at briteview which does not exist..Stick this up your f'n as*!!! Edit: I've now been banned from the Brite-View forum. This moron Tony had me banned for exposing him as the liar he is. He in the past guaranteed a f/w upgrade for boxes with the 14/16 boot code, and then conveniently backed out of that committment by posting an Xmas 'gift' to all CT owners.

Buy Brite-View BV-5005HD Digital Set-Top Box with fast shipping and top-rated customer service. Once you know, you Newegg! Oct 12, 2015 Can anyone help??? I have a BV-5005HD CinemaTube and have upgraded my firmware from IPB10106251 to IP3681011A121, I don't like the new firmware.

[your a real joke Tony]. This was only for newer boxes in the CT format. He lied to me, and to all the users on the Brite-View forum. It's an insult for Brite-View to even be mentioned on this well known, well used forum that I use for my info on a regular basis. Tony has no business being here, least of all Brite-View, there is no support whatever on all their boxes. Their FaceBook page mentions that there would be no f/w forthcoming on all the CT boxes, but Tony the liar never mentions this on the Brite-View forum until yesterday when I exposed his dirty little secret that he knew all along. The f/w they use is outdated and most likely compiled by some 10 year old Chinese rejects from the mainland..if they're lucky to get payed for what useless crap they put out.

Brite-View has to submit to 3rd party f/w hacks on their boxes now, since they obviously have fiscal problems and are not able to pay these engineers whats coming to them for any f/w. They've been on RC firmwares for months even on the newer boxes and still aren't able to get those little Chinese girls from the mainland to stop playing with their dolls and get to writing important stuff...like f/w. They're a joke in the industry, as they now have a forum specifically directed for 'custom mods' on their forum..i.e. AC Ryan and Medi8er f/w hacks for the Cinema Tube. You think that will buy them some time for their f/w to be released? I sincerely doubt it You think that when they eventually put out a f/w package, that it will be up to date? Rankings On Itunes. The box is dead, and so is Tony.

He's a crook and will always be a crook. He's proved it by not informing the users Brite-View's real intentions for months.We have to find out on a friggin' FaceBook page. I don't know what kind of capacity he is holding at Brite-View.maybe hawking his warez on sidestreets pushing the older Brite-View CT boxes on the side.those pallets of CTs that have been in his apartment living room for the past 2 years, but one thing is for certain.the box is dead. All the other manufacturers are way ahead of Brite-View in regards of hardware and firmware.

I recently had viewed the PCH C-200 in action at a friend's place. Pricey, but light-years ahead of the CT. Brite-View isn't even able to fix the compression header problem that's since been addressed and fixed by everyone out there. They're broke, and they can't admit it. I'm counting the days for their eventual demise in the market, and waiting for this moron, Tony to get a new job.maybe delivering the Sunday Times would be the best solution for him.as long as he delivers it on the right day!! Knowing Tony, he'll deliver his Sunday Times..in a year or so ['you never mentioned which Sunday you wanted the paper']. Brite-View will go the way of Mediagate.right down the tubes.and the sooner, the better for all of us.no more throwing good money after bad on this thrown together hunka junk!

Here's the FaceBook Brite-View page rerference that I mentioned above. Those poor, poor souls have no friggin' clue on what they bought into. Tony should be ashamed of this. Why the hell don't you just go out and steal candy from a baby? Hi, when will you release the FW for the classic cinematube? View feedback (1)Hide feedback (1) • • Hi Marlon, thanks for stopping! There will no longer be firmware released for the classic CT, but if your CT's boot code is not 14 or 16, you can use the new firmware for the CinemaTube Mini.

To check bootcode, please go to the “Main Menu” 2) Press “Stop” and then “Subtitle” on your remote control, and “version information” should appear. Find boot code information (shown as No XXXX.XXXX.XX19); 3) If the last two digits are “14” or “16”, you will not be able to update the firmware.22 February at 11:11 Another link on the Amazon.com site I read about.no it's not me, I don't buy CTs from Amazon..

I don't know if anyone has mentioned this yet, and I probably should have said something when I figured it out, but on well, here it is for anyone who might be having the (sort of obscure) problem that i was having. I have an older tube HDTV that doesnt have HDMI inputs, and I had the cinematube hooked up via component-- however, when the upgrades are performed to the acryan or medi8or firmwares, nothing shows up on the screen, and the unit appears bricked. HOWEVER, i was able to use an HDMI to DVI converter (my TV DOES have DVI) and the cinematube displayed fine with both new firmwares.

Once you are able to see the UI from an HDMI connection, you can go to the settings and change the output to whatever you like (1080i 60hz in my case) then switch BACK to using the component output, and everything should work fine. I went through this thread and feedbacks, I went through installing Medi8er firmware on bv-5005 hd. The good news is the installation went through very simple and I am so impressed with bootstrap method, and its installation.

My challenge is now that I don't see power button not working (in the sense I don't see any color blue or red). AND, the TV screen is blank. Mine is connected to Panny with HDMI. (I am sure I haven't bricked the unit, because I can reinstall the firmware - Any help?

Thanks a bunch! Is anyone using a gaming wifi adapter that connect to network port RJ-45 connector of cinematube to provide wireless capability? Depending on the mfg, these devices are sometime called 'bridge' or 'client' devices. In reading, many devices offer this capability, I was interested in know what others are using in the same fashion for 802.11n connectivity and have gotten good performance. Also, is anyone using network connectivity solution that uses AC powerline?

Several mfg make that as a solution as well. Hi all, I have a couple of simple questions about Brite-View Cinematube (not mini) After selling my boxee box as it was overkill and failing to find a suitable bluray player with decent NTFS capabilities I'm about to guy a cinematube but wanted to know: 1) Is the photo viewer any good? On every other device ive tried it is VERY sluggish or does not load at all decent file sized jpegs (below the 8000x8000 pixel requirements) so would this be ok?

2) Can you play entire folders of mp3's at a time or just select each track 3) whats the difference between the cinematube and cinematube mini except the wireless dongle which doesnt interest me 4) Am I right in saying that with a hard drive that has its own power supply (eg WD elements 2Tb) the cinematube will not shut the hard drive down when it turns off? I've installed the Mede8er CFW and it is an improvement in so far as playback of 'higher' bitrate mkv's. There is/was a known issue (mentioned much earlier in this thread; search) with playback of mkv's (maybe other formats too) over the network where there are bitrate spikes beyond a certain point. I had asked about this yrs ago when the briteview forums were up (2009?) but I never got any corroboration from the admins/mods there. I'm sure they knew, but didn't want to/could not address the issue at that time, so they played dumb. In any event, I've found that files that spike above 40K (as seen with the program BitrateViewer), become choppy durig playback at those moments. The Mede8er CFW handles them better, and seems to have shifted that mark to over 50K in my thusfar very limited observations.

It also has a Moviewall feature which seems pretty cool although I have not yet explored thst feature. One thing it does do is shut off the power light all together. And if I power down the unit, the only way to get it back on is to pull the power plug and put it back in. I have to check to see if the unit uses more electricty while powered on vs powered off.

If not, I may just leave it on all the time. I've not yet tried the ACRyan CFW. It is supposedly more powerful, but not as nice looking. Hi Guys, I have the classic CT 5005HD running the first firmware IPB1009C021 by choice, I also have the others but prefer the original GUI.

Just recently I purchased a 3TB USB HDD and now the movie files show 'format not supported'. Swapping to different HDD's or thumb drive below this new 3TB size solves the issue. Has anyone else had this problem and resolved it??

I was thinking maybe partitioning the 3TB into smaller chunks to see if that helps but thought of turning to you folks first as I have many hours of file transfers on that new 3TB drive and don't want to start over if unnecessary. Thanks guys!! Steven EDIT: Seriously! Over two thousand posts in this thread and no-one can help? @WayToCool '.

I was thinking maybe partitioning the 3TB into smaller chunks to see if that helps but thought of turning to you folks first as I have many hours of file transfers on that new 3TB drive and don't want to start over if unnecessary.' I think it would work.I'm using the same device. It can only read up 1 TB per USB port. By the anyone know where I can download the CT custom firmware 'Mede8er MED400 V4.0.4 with Shizzl mod 3.1'?

I find link but download keeps on failing. Used to be on mediafire but was deleted.

I don't think there is any mede8er mod 3.1, only the mod 3.0 which we all have. Incidentally, I finally got around to installing the AC Ryan f/w. Seems better to me. More versatile, more tweaks. Plus I has issues with the mede8er f/w where playback of video files would often freeze- apparently for no reason. And Id have to power cycle the BV to try to continue, but even then, often it would refuse to play the video at hand and would lock up immediately when trying to do so. Several reboots, several minutes wasted before it would finally play.

No such issues with ac ryan. For me, less buggy, a winner.

Hi Brite View; I am new to the forum but am hoping you can help? I have Three of the 5005HD cinimatube media players and was updating the firmware to which was copied onto a USB. The first unit worked fine on and went through the upgrade but then when I tried to update the second unit the same warecognised the usb and the update file and stated to press OK to update which I did. The next thing that happens which occured on both units is a screen comes up on the TV stating that the downloaded files are taking place and then the second unit is stuck on that screen and will not continue as the first unit did. The first unit after about 60-80 seconds started to display a green barcode that scrolled across the screen and after about 2 minute stated the update was complete. What can I do with the unit that is stuck at the first screen and will not advance?

It has been this wat for over 8 hrs. There is no power lite (red or Blue) on the power button but the small blue traffic indicator light is just flickering as if there is communication going on. The USB disk light is not lite either. Any Help would be appreciated.

Thanks; Edfir.

Well, another fuzzy80 at mpcclub: h t t p://www.mpcclub.com/forum/showthread.php?t=22327 listed that he tried various firmware's on the pbo with limited success. As for controlling the DvdPlayer program without a properly mapped remote, you might try the following method: h t t p://minimodding.com/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?comments_parentId=1596&topic s_offset=10&topics_sort_mode=commentDate_asc&forum Id=5 this approach, or variations using the killall command have been shown to work on a few Realtek players. FYI, Here's the distilled list of firmwares attempted and basic outcome reported by fuzzy80 on mpcclub - Emtec N200 v 1193 (player boots up, wrong remote control's buttons map), - Mede8er V1.2.2a (player cannot be upgraded), - Ferguson Ariva HDPlayer 110 (player boots up, remote control won't work at all), - IcyBox MP305A-B (player won't boot up), - Brite-View BV-5005HD (player cannot be upgraded), - AC Ryan ACR-PV73100 Playon!HD (player cannot be upgraded). - Brite-View HDPrimo BV-6000P (player cannot be upgraded), - Datage HDPro (remote control won't work), - Ellion Labo 110 (remote control won't work), - Eminent EM7080_FW_1 (remote control won't work), - Fantec MM-FHDL (player won't boot up), - MediaGate M2TV (remote control won't work), - MediaNow MNP-101 (remote control won't work), - Prodigi PD-100N (remote control won't work). - HiMedia HD300 (Unfortunately player cannot be upgraded, there is some error message).

Actually I use logitech harmony for control. In my case, Europe patch and unlocked Asian both don't have any problem.

I also have serial cable. Aasoror, why don't you try by yourself? My PBO firmware history. Factory ->02(Full) ->04 ->ACRyan r3395 ASIAN Sergejk, did you connect PBO to TV through COMPOSITE?

I think if you connect through COMPOSITE, you cannot see anything. Maybe connect through HDMI is possible. In my case, I have MULTI format display. If you flush with Playon!HD, startup video is PAL not NTSC. It means normal NTSC TV doesn't display it^^. I have flash a Xtreamer Firmware, but the remote (Harmony) doesn't work. How can i flash the PBO 02 wihtout a remote controlHow did you manage to flash.?

Using Xtreamer image or just replacing the dvdplayer application.? For the record, Xtreamer 2.0.1 is the last version reported to work with the Harmony. In both cases using rebooting with a USB key with the PBO firmware image, should trigger the emergency firmware recovery. If that didn't work and you need to control the Xtreamer GUI without a remote, you can kill the dvdplayer application and restart it via telnet then use the following keys.

Code: a - audio button b - takes you into the recording setup screen f - reverse play >H - report some kind of status L - slow play forward M - Menu N - Next chapter O - shut down normally P - Prior chapter Q - Stop S - Play T- AV input screen V - volume + W - up X - down Z - Step / pause - - goto = - repeat a/b + - repeat button # - go to USB screen $ - go to REC directory 0-9 - same as entering 0-9. Jumps to title. [ - source button { - home button, - return button / - go to setup menu - switch tv system: - switch tv system (not sure how it is different from ) ESC - Go to setup menu SPACE - OK/SELECT. Code: a - audio button b - takes you into the recording setup screen c - delete schedule when in recording, otherwise doesn't appear to do anything e - angle (reported by other users, not verified) f - reverse play >G - Asks for GCode. Not sure what the GCode is. Tried a VCR+ code given the context, but the code I tried only crashed the player. H - report some kind of status L - slow play forward M - Menu N - Next chapter O - shut down normally P - Prior chapter Q - Stop S - Play T- AV input screen V - volume + W - up X - down Z - Step / pause - - goto = - repeat a/b + - repeat button # - go to USB screen $ - go to SPP directory when on another source & - graphical file copy, looks nice.

Much better than the cut/copy/paste concept you can do from the remote. ( - start performance logging ) - stop performance logging ~ - memory allocation status 0-9 - same as entering 0-9. Jumps to title. I did not know you could jump to a specific title that way on this player, so something new.

[ - source button ] - In the menu, will go to the last source accessed. I don't quite understand what you were trying to say or make a point. We have already figured out that PBO can be flashed with AC Ryan unlocked firmware and it works, although it may look as PBO is bricked because there is no picture after reboot.

The reason is that the player starts in PAL (European) television mode, which is not supported by north American TVs. So unless you have a harmony remote which you can program to AC Ryan and then switch the mode using dedicated button, you are out or luck. Drivers Ed Chapter 3 Study Guide Answers. People, please correct me if I'm wrong.I had a search in their forum and found: 1.

Playon HD firmware was blocked beginning r2388 that can be unblocked simply with replacement of 1 file 'install_a' from firmware r1757 at the root level of the image. This release was not divided into 2 versions yet (European and Asian). So I expect there's still not a problem with PAL or NTSC.

Beginning r2898 there are 2 versions, 1 for Europe and 1 for Asian. Current releases are r2901.

Unlocking requires more complicated manipulation at DVD Player level of the image, it may create some unwanted incompatibilities. No lock for r1757. If we try to flash PBO with AC Ryan Playon HD, it may be the version to test. I'm interested in srt support: SRT support in Playon goes up 20 languages (English, French, Spanish,German, Russian, Italian, Bulgarian, Czech, Dutch, Hebrew,Hungarian, Slovak, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Chinese simplified, Chinese traditional, Japanese, Korean, and Vietnamese). Arabic is not supported. However one guy in their forum makes the Playon supports Arabic SRT UTF-8 subtitle by replacing Arial Unicode font in the Playon by Arial Unicode font from Windows XP (interesting!).