Hiring the right drivers and ensuring they also comply with driver qualification regulations is critical for the successful—and safe—operation of any company. Quality hires are the first step.

Making sure they're qualified in accordance with Parts 383 and 391 of the FMCSRs is the second. (View the.) Maintaining driver qualification then follows. Whether you need to hire someone new, rehire a driver, or maintain the driver qualification file of an experienced, veteran driver, J.

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Keller can help with a wide variety of information, including: • Requirements for DQ files • Best practices for hiring • Dealing with rehires, owner-operators, temp drivers and others • Frequently asked questions • Pre-employment screening programs Ensuring compliance with DQ requirements starts with good hiring practices and continues with ongoing maintenance of. Section 391.51 of the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations details what a driver qualification file must contain. The following documents are to be included for each regularly employed driver: • • Motor vehicle record (MVR) from state(s), obtained at time of hire • • • • Annual motor vehicle record • • The following documents are also required, but are not applicable to all drivers: • Documentation of any medical variance, exemption, or waiver • Longer Combination Vehicle (LCV) Driver-Training Certificate • Depending on the state you are operating in, additional items may be required. Section 391.53 details additional information related to a driver’s three-year, to be kept in a secure location with controlled access (these may be combined with the DQ file or kept separate): • Driver’s written authorization to seek information about drug/alcohol testing history • Response(s) received from previous employer(s) or documentation of efforts to obtain the information.

PRIMARY document list US bornUS Birth Certificate. Or Canadian photo driver license Out of State US. Without date of birth Employment.

Rehires When a driver leaves a company and then returns, whether after one week or one year, there may be some items in his/her original Driver Qualification (DQ) or Driver Investigation History (DIH) file that can be reused, even though the DOT considers him/her to be a new hire. The following items can be recycled from old files: • - if completed less than three years ago (see §391.33(a)(2)) • - if still valid • Information obtained from previous employers - if the information pertains to the three years that precede the rehire date and the inquiries sent to previous employers were in compliance with the current version of §391.23. Items that need to be re-created: • A new needs to be completed using the rehire date as the point of reference. • A motor vehicle report (MVR) needs to be requested to coincide with the rehire date. • Previous employer checks must be requested on any employment during the absence, and existing previous-employer investigations that were not done in compliance with the rules in §391.23 must be re-done for all DOT-regulated employers for the past 3 years from the rehire date. Documents from the original files that are not reused must be retained in the same manner as if he/she never returned. Other items from first employment period are retained in the original file same as above, but can be purged three years from document execution dates.

Owner-Operator’s compliance with the federal safety regulations With owner-operators, there are two potential situations that can be encountered: • An owner-operator is leased onto a motor carrier. The freight is hauled under the carrier’s authority, the truck displays the carrier’s U. Cyberlink Powerdvd Free Download 9. S. DOT number, and the freight is covered by the carrier’s insurance. In this case, the carrier is responsible for the safe operation of that vehicle, including the owner-operator’s compliance with the federal safety regulations.

This includes keeping a proper DQ file, ensuring hours of service compliance, drug and alcohol testing, vehicle maintenance, etc. • An owner-operator is a motor carrier. The freight is hauled under the owner-operator’s authority, the truck displays the owner-operator’s U.S. DOT number, and the freight is covered by the owner-operator’s insurance. In this case, the owner-operator is the motor carrier. The carrier/owner-operator must ensure that all the federal safety requirements are followed. Remember, the motor carrier is always responsible for compliance with the federal safety regulations.

The real question is: who is the motor carrier? Temporary Drivers The occasional, seasonal or intermittent employee would be someone who is on your payroll to drive during those times when you need extra help. Even though they are not permanent or full-time, they still need to be fully qualified in accordance to Part 391 before they can get behind the wheel of your CMV. Games For Pc Free Download Full Version Torrents. If you are subject to Part 382, these employees need to be a part of your DOT random alcohol and drug testing program. This means the whole gamut: pre-employment drug screens, DOT drug and alcohol background requirements, issuance of educational materials and your company policy, and placement in your random testing pool. Many carriers keep these employees 'active' rather than consider it a termination of employments. They are considered to be on an extended leave of absence or layoff, and this avoids having to wait on a pre-employment drug screen or create new documents as a rehire in the file.

The hiring process is a key element in creating a successful fleet. Establishing hiring standards provides you with a baseline of what you find acceptable. Not having documented hiring standards implies to anyone reviewing your operation (insurance underwriters, investigators, auditors, attorneys, etc.) that you have no baseline; you will hire anyone. Many carriers concentrate their hiring standards on the driving requirements. Typical standards include limits on the number of accidents, suspensions, and citations. As well as the driving requirements, carriers also set hiring standards pertaining to previous employment.

How many previous employers an applicant has had combined with the reasons for leaving the previous employers are employment issues typically considered when determining hiring standards. View and for more information.

Documentation You must also keep in mind that in addition to the usual employment procedures required by federal and state laws, the Department of Transportation (DOT) has its own set of hiring requirements.