Newcomers please note: You do NOT have to watch other Star Trek before watching Discovery! Date # Episode Pre Post 9/24 1 'The Vulcan Hello' 9/24 2 'Battle at the Binary Stars' 10/1 3 'Context is for Kings' 10/8 4 'The Butcher's Knife Cares Not for the Lamb's Cry' 10/15 5 'Choose Your Pain' 10/22 6 'Lethe' 10/29 7 'Magic to Make the Sanest Man Go Mad' 11/05 8 'Si Vis Pacem, Para Bellum' 11/12 9 'Into The Forest I Go' 1/7 10 'Despite Yourself' --- --- 1/14 11 'The Wolf Inside' --- --- 1/21 12 'Vaulting Ambition' --- --- 1/28 13 'What's Past is Prologue' --- --- 2/4 14 'The War Without, the War Within' --- --- 2/11 15 'Will You Take My Hand? Principi Di Medicina Manuale Greenman Ebook on this page. ' --- --- Subreddit Rules & Guidelines: Discussion reposts are OK.

Starfleet Command Gold Edition. To select 'Software' and set to the. That if you can't get the config program to launch is to download dgVoodoo 2.

As our community grows people join who might have missed out the first time around. Encourage discussion! Don't downvote just because you disagree on best captain/episode/phaser type!

Download Free Starfleet Command 2 Community Edition Software

Don't be dismissive. How To Burn Ps3 Games To Bd Remote on this page. Saying 'It's just a show' is boring. Why are you here if not to obsess over minutiae? No spamming/karmawhoring Direct image links and other kinds of posts will be removed automatically. Respect the newbies aren't enforced (except for DSC), but they are encouraged.

Remember: Before posting, ask yourself 'What would Picard do?' And we don't mean 'Shut up, Wesley!' Other subreddits for the discerning Trekkie • • • • • • • • • • •. If I remember correctly, moving fast should give you essentially a dodge bonus. Also you can use a fast ship to out maneuver your foe, stay out of the strongest firing arcs.

Cloaking, ECM, and some other features means that there were some counters to the slow large ships. That said, I'll wait for Starfleet Command II to come out on GoG, there are more features in that one. Number III wasn't as good, I felt like they dumbed it down a bit, made for a faster game, but there were fewer races, ships, etc. Credit to Go to your game folder and open config.exe. Set your display driver to 'software'. It only gives you 800x600 as the max resolution, however there's a fix for that too, though I believe the explosions and some other fun things will look like shit, or from my experience, just doesn't appear.

Open the SFC.ini file in the same folder. It should open notpad and there's a line of text called 'lowres'. I think it's default is '0', which is 640x480 and its max is '5' at 1280x1024. I'd suggest setting it to 4, but that's just a personal preference as I'd like to be able to read the text without squinting.

Hope it helps for Win 10 too.

OK, the first few posts of the original thread were about Starfleet Command: Orion Pirates. However, since Star Trek: Starfleet Command 2 Community Edition has been released, the focus of the thread has changed.

Go to where the information about the release of the SFC2:CE is first revealed. ============================================================================================================== Ah,an oldie but goodie,. I was a HUGE player and collector back in the day of paper maps, cardboard pieces and rule manuals that were longer and more complex than the tax code. When a deal was struck to computerize the game system I was over the moon. The first release, Starfleet Command, was awesome for it's spiral-bound manual but was a bit weak in the implementation of the board game into the computer environment. The next attempt,, was much better. And even better was it's stand-alone expansion,, since it had pirates.

The manual was kind of sucky since they took the SFC2 manual and shrunk down the font to get it into fewer pages, but the game content was awesome. We shall not speak of the next generation, Starfleet Command 3, since it was dumbed down for the masses. Getting a wild hair this afternoon, I dug out my SFCOP box and installed the game on my Win7 rig, updated it to the ultimate 2552 patch and after adjusting the res to the max 1280x1024, launched it. And by golly, it runs! Looks ugly, but space can be an ugly place. But it works fine and it has pirates! I'm very happy.

Just wanted to share this with folks. [tcell][/tcell]And because I keep.

Everything, I was looking through all my old files and directories for Orion Pirates and SFC2 and came across the FMSE editor for SFC2. FMSE allowed you to build missions using a pretty straightforward and clean interface. Sadly, he never made one for Orion Pirates but I installed SFC2 and started building a few simple skirmish missions. It took some doing, but hey, I still have the knack! I also came across a link to the old Starfleet Universe site where on the the five missions I contributed are still listed. Unfortunately the files aren't there any more, but I do have copies, including my favorite: Get the Galactic President!. The mission description.

I played all four games in the series. The games were lots of fun. The first three had glitchy campaign systems. Orion Pirates was my least favorite because, from what I remember, it had no premade missions (which were far better), just the same random generic missions. The fourth was simplified, although still lots of fun and this time the campaign was glitch free (since it was pretty much just a linear series of missions rather than a universe you would explore, sometimes getting generic missions and sometimes premade ones.

It was great tactical fun. They're not exactly the same thing, but if you like those games, you might enjoy Artemis (a local-multiplayer game where everyone has a different console on the bridge of a very star-trek like ship), or maybe FTL. Hepcat wrote:Saw a post on Quartertothree this morning that Star Trek: Starfleet Command 2 Community Edition has For six bucks, I grabbed a copy and fired it up on windows 7.

Runs fine, looks like the same game I so fondly remember from all those years ago.and more importantly, plays the same. It's a steal at that price if you're a fan of that long gone, but much loved series. What revision is the Community Edition? My copy of SFC2 with the latest patches is (the revision number shows up on the bottom right of the title screen for me). I'm interested to find out if they have added new features or functions to the game. UPDATE: Never mind, found the thread from with info on the Community Edition.

The revision level is SFC 2:CE v2.6.6.0. It's a download only copy. Around 687 megs I believe. Not sure of what changes have been made as I can barely remember my time with the original. But all you could want to know can be found at the link jztemple2 posted above.

As for the Online Only blurb on the purchase page, that just means digital copy. There's plenty of single player material (the original stuff SFC II at the very least). Haven't played more than a few minutes since I got it this morning, but I'm hoping to get more time with it tonight and over the next few days. Edit: I'll just copy and paste the short list of changes to the game here. Holman wrote:I just got a crash again.

I've blown up three enemy ships and crashed twice at the moment of explosion. Since there's no in-game save, this is starting to be a disincentive to play. That's weird, I've been playing all the versions and never ever had a crash. What's your OS, etc? For those needing a copy of the original SF2:EAW manual, here's a. I'm glad I only spent six bucks on it, because so far I haven't seen anything beyond what was in the latest version I had from a long time ago.

A lot of the changes might be for multiplayer of course, and since I've never done MP on this, I wouldn't notice. Also I'm bummed because the simple mission building software I have (FSME) for SFC2:EAW doesn't work on SFC2:CE. And I did try my hand years ago at building missions using C++, but I sucked at it. I see that they changed it to Visual Studio 2012, maybe I'll give that a try. Since there are probably some folks who are a bit at sea (or at space?) with SFC2CE, I'm posting a link to a zip file (4 MB) in my drop box which contains the.

These are old files I've collect over the years, but mostly back in the heyday of SFC2:EAW. Below is the list of what is in the zip. They are a combination of screen grabs, Adobe generated PDFs and some other stuff. Since they are all from the early days of SFC2:EAW there are probably some things that have changed, but for the most part they are pretty close to what I'm seeing in SFC2CE. ArcsChart.jpg dynaverse_settings.pdf PowerManagement.pdf SFC2_Hydran_Manual.pdf SFC2_Playing_SP_in_MP.pdf SFC2EAW walkthrough - Strategy Guide.txt SFC_Hotkeys_goodversion.bmp SFC_Tractor_Tactics.htm SFCOP Hotkeys.doc SHIPEDIT 3.0 MANUAL.pdf turnrate.htm If you have questions, post them here, I might be able to help. Oh, and for the really nerdy out there, the Mizia Impulse* table!

Spd___Sec___Mizia Impulse _1____320______10.0 _2____180______5.6 _3____120______3.8 _4____90_______2.8 _5____60_______1.9 _6____40_______1.3 _7____35_______1.1 _8____30_______0.9 _9____25_______0.8 _10___20_______0.6 _11___15_______0.5 *Mizia Concept -- introduced by Walter Mizia, it is an SFB concept that a multiple smaller volleys is preferred to a single large volley of damage. Statistically, in SFB, single large volley tend to kill power but leave weapons, while smaller volleys kill weapons but leave power. SFC has inherited the same damage allocation routine and thus the same analysis applies. Thus, the 'multiple small volley attack' is also known as 'Mizia Attack'. - Kasey Chang.