EA Koetting books Anthology of Sorcery 3 signed collectors edition. Works of Darkness - E A Koetting 2nd Edition Black Magick Ixaxaar Grimoire Occult. Jacques de Molay: E A Koetting Complete Works: Works of Darkness/Kingdoms of Flame + 5 Published Books + Unpublished OAA Manuscript Grimoire Ixaxaar OOP The Complete Works of E A Koetting: Kingdoms of Flame(with extra material) Works of Darkness BANEFUL MAGICK Evoking Eternity Questing After Visions.

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Ea Koetting Works Of Darkness Pdf

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If your post is legitimate, please message the mods. Posts that violate these guidelines may be removed at admin discretion. Repeat offenders and trolls will be banned. If there is a problem, please or comment to the mods. FAQs • • • • • Official Anthem • Related Subreddits • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •. Koetting is a little hard for me to take seriously, but at the same time, I don't think he is a complete quack. He does seem to believe in what he is doing and has offered a number of interesting viewpoints in his free videos.

The whole 'magic as a business' thing definitely makes me suspicious, but it doesn't necessarily mean everything he has to contribute is fluff. Also, why are you giving up so easily? Don't let one person (or one belief system) dissuade you. The occult is a very wide area of study and there are many different interpretations. Overcoming Depersonalization And Feelings Of Unreality Ebook Store. Observations: • He is essentially 'Occultism for Dummies'.

I suspect that a significant portion of his material is cribbed from other sources, most notably Order of Nine Angles. A lot of what he is teaching for basic processes such as evocation and divination are standard in any form of high magick. The only difference is that his slant on it is bent very far to the left with an annoying 'sinister' vibe. • His course on 'evoking spirits to physical appearance' is a total sham due to the fact that it isn't simple (or even possible, on some level) to do so without years of meditation or psychedelic drugs, and 99% of the time the spirits you evoke are going to communicate with you via hallucinations, intuition, dreams, and internal dialogue. You can attribute these to outside or internal phenomena.

As Crowley stated so long ago, 'The spirits of the Goetia are portions of the human brain.' • His grimoires.the verdict is still out for me here. I had some pretty awesome success with evoking a spirit named Pendralion for making some quick money and finding business strategies, but who knows. It could just as well be another aspect of a different entity, if you want to explain it as that. You should never pay for this guy's material, as far as I'm concerned. He charges $200 an hour for a phone call, or $1800 for three days of 'Magical Boot Camp'. All of which is essentially recycled material.

It's all up on the Pirate Bay, and a great deal of it is hogwash, but you've gotta hand it to him - he does know what he's doing, but he's a little too ambitious and a little too obvious. If you're new to the occult, he's not the worst starting point nor the quackiest of occult writers. Especially if you're a visual learner. However, it's a step above Youtube tutorials at best, and you might as well start reading books instead. If you're looking for quick wealth generation, you're probably better off making a few sigils and going that route. Even if you do choose to work with Koetting's spirits, my experience has been less than pleasant, and working with Saturnian spirits usually has some unforseen consequences unless you're very specific. I really think anyone in today's world that espouses the 'too good to be true' kind of models are full of shit.

Same with the 'holier than thou' guru types. Exploring the occult takes work. Hard work, and not the kind of work that a book can instruct you to do. In a nutshell sense it's shifting your entire perspective to something else altogether.

It's being able to see the hidden meanings in events that surround you, absorbing lessons as they come through. It's the willingness to explore one's own subconscious, and to look at patterns and say, 'Hey, maybe this type of reaction I normally have to this kind of situation says a lot about me, and maybe I should explore what's behind that pattern.' Or, 'What does this desire say about me?' Aside from rituals, meditations, shamanic journeys, and all the things associated with magick, it's a process of self-discovery just by being skeptical of one's ego. And it's hard to question one's own character - many people have a difficult time with extending themselves beyond their comfort zone. The thing is, we already know the answers to all those questions, it's just the willingness to see them for what they are, to accept them, and to act on them. But the process begins by asking the question.

I'm not knocking on rituals or any of the occult doctrines - I love'em and I think all of them can be valuable depending on the person. But really, if occult means hidden, it's exploring the hidden things in oneself, and in my mind that connects pretty fluidly into the exploration of the subconscious. Just my take on all that.

I downloaded his Mastering Divination course at a.um.substantial discount, and to give you some idea what he's selling, there's an entire 1.5 hr long video consisting of little more than him going, card by card, through a tarot deck giving the meaning off the top of his head. Seriously, he's basically reading a memorized version of the little book that comes with the deck.

And that was the most useful video in the entire series. It's an amazing little scheme he's running.

Not a scam, since he's not really lying, but it's definitely a scheme. I can't comment on his grimoires, since I haven't read them, but I'm guessing they're of a higher quality than his later infomercial schtick.

PIC: Lucifuge Rofocale (PD) The thing about me being an Occultist is that I didn’t choose the Occult, the Occult chose me. It’s a long story and if you’re curious, but the reason I bring it up is that after being summoned into the practice it’s come to my attention that I have exactly nothing in common with the vast majority of freaks in the “Occult scene”. Because of this reality, I’ve started referring to what I do as Psychedelic Occultism (or Chaos Sorcery, or Transdimensional Psychology, or Enthneogenic Esotericism if you’re so inclined) to differentiate it from what these people are doing.

It’s pretty important that I do this because lord, I wouldn’t want ANYONE to think that my practice is in any way similar to hyper-douchebags like say, EA Koetting, who I just stumbled on via the internets. This fucking guy. The reason I’m posting this shit sandwich of videos is because he’s unbelievably and unintentionally hilarious precisely because he possesses exactly zero trace of any sense of humor whatsoever.

I have to confess that what I’ve found mindblowing about exploring the Occult is that the church has slandered it as being daemon worship, and because of that, a group of gothed out weirdoes have decided that they love the idea worshipping Satan. Even though the Occult doesn’t actually involve that (it’s about mastering your daemons and making contact with your Holy Guardian Angel), they’re just going to make it about that anyway because they’re justsohard. Unbelievable and man, Koetting is the pinnacle of that retardation.

In the 40 minutes or so of his videos I watched, and I must confess that I sort of couldn’t stop myself, the one thing I learned is that Koetting has one singular message. He will give you incredibly easy spiritual answers and all he asks for in exchange is your money. He’s adopted the business model of the megachurch pastor, replete with the attached head mic and everything.

He will teach you “How to become a living god” (TM I’m sure) and he repeats this phrase over and over and over and over and over again to burn it into your mind, like any good marketer would. That’s where it gets weird. If you pay attention, he’s not actually teaching you how to become “a living god”, he’s teaching you how to use magick to be a materialist twat. Wouldn’t you like more money, or to get laid, or more money, or to get laid, or more money? How about smiting your enemies?

Dude’s got you covered and yet he’s somehow telling you he’ll give you omnipotence (huh?), omnipresence (errr?), and soul travel (okay I actually understand what that would entail because I’ve done it myself). Just a thought, but wouldn’t a living god transcend the desire for lower level daemonic nonsense? Isn’t Godhood about ascending to the higher realms rather than binding yourself to this one? Just what I’ve been shown but let’s move on.

In watching one video I thought the guy was sort of harmless, but then I watched another and was like, well, yeah, this shit is a bit legitimately creepy in its total loser factor but you know, also funnier than shit. Enjoy while Koetting tells you how he summoned Lucifuge (I thought that was just a Danzig album) and made a pact with it to give him unlimited power. Most Occultists would tell you not to summon Lucifuge because it’s too dangerous, but no one tells Koetting what to do man. He’s a grade A American Badass Kid Rock style. There should really be Chuck Norris-esque memes for this halfwit. Next up, Koetting explains to you why you shouldn’t trust gurus.

Here’s where it gets funny: He admits to giving gurus shit tons of money over the years which begs one to wonder: who the fuck is this trust fund brat? Where did he get all this money to give to gurus? Why on earth is a rich white kid so jaded that he thinks worshipping Satan is cool?

The most hilarious thing though is the conclusion: you shouldn’t give money to gurus, they’re frauds, you should give money to EA Koetting. And finally the most creep-tastic of all, where EA talks about how he’s killed many people with magick (he actually says this) and explains how to do a curse on someone so powerful that it will completely destroy them within a year. Please scientists, please test this!

The funniest thing is that at one point (maybe it was in another video) he casually mentions his daughter. So, this is a father talking about psychically murdering people like it’s no big deal. The one thing I’ve taken out of my evening laughing at Koetting is that “becoming a living God” somehow doesn’t grant you the ability to make it through an entire internet video without cutting it and restarting a hundred times. A few people have asked me over the years, what do you think about the left hand path? Well, what I think is that it’s amazingly retarded and pursued by people with deep psychological issues that they’re not addressing.

I guess it’s their incredibly complicated way of not addressing these issues. In the last video Koetting explains how he thinks karma is just something that people make up. Well, actually, In fact, nearly all of the communique with my Holy Guardian Angel involves the karmic repercussions of my actions in some capacity.

People like Koetting are just conveniently ignoring this reality because they want to i.e. They’re just making up the idea that there’s nothing to it, because that’s what they so desperately want to believe. Gives you full license to be a douche.

Come to think of it, that’s precisely how daemonic forms of intelligence would keep you in eternal servitude in the lower realms. Just had a dream the other week where I was going through what I can best describe as a karmic x-ray device to scan whether or not I could access various exotic dimensions. Sort of like an interdimensional security check point.

So you’re right hand path then? No, attaining Godhood would mean achieving a perfect balance between the two: Yin and Yang, Chaos and Order, Structure and Anti-Structure what have you. If you go too far either way, you’re fucking yourself over in some capacity. Anyway, I’ve already written about this guy too much, but I’ll conclude in saying that me posting this is actually upping his Youtube views and bringing him more attention than he deserves, so you know, you’re welcome bro. Hilarious, but isn’t that the exact sort of duplicitous shit a pact with daemon would bring you?

Maybe his magick does work. Avete Frater! Sorry, but after reading enough of your posts,Thad, you come across as just as big of a “douche” peddling your brand of McMagick and pop-occultism. No individual on any sort of legitimate path of illumination would speak or think as you do; you have none of the indicators that you have even a modicum of deeper understanding.

Lighten up on the others. This is my first “troll” experience and it doesn’t feel good but, man, after reading Disinfo for so long during my breakfast I had to finally throw something out there. So you think it’s a good idea to encourage people to be complete dickbags and try and murder people with magick? Funny thing, I couldn’t help myself but I ended up reading another interview with this guy this morning. According to him (and I don’t believe anything he says, think he’s a compulsive liar) he summoned some daemonic entity years back which possessed his wife and destroyed his marriage. Now he’s encouraging other people to do the same shit and asking them for money to train them on how to do so.

And you have a problem with me making fun of that. I’ve used his methods, they are legit. And the thing about real occultism is it doesn’t hold your hand, you either learn to use it correctly, or it destroys you.

And often you start out it kicking your ass and then you learn to use it correctly. Believe me I’ve had enough good and bad experiences to know that this shit is real. The methods are real. The real question is if the person thinks it’s worth the asskicking your going to get racing for the finish line. Koetting in my opinion, is a great gateway for beginners to get into real magic, and not this lets do drugs and play with energy(nothing wrong with that, but the drugs are basically training wheels) or the it’s all psychology jungian line. And murdering people with magic, some people have it coming. I still think he has done many occultist a great service.

2-3 years ago when I first picked up the BOA, I had never done an evocation, and had no Idea where to start. I was always under the impression that I need all the trappings of a ritual(tools) before I began, and that evocation was a practice only for those with years more practical experience more than me.

I was stuck somewhere in between believing all magick was psychology, and that there was something to this that I could not explain, but my experience in this area was little. Now evocation is one of my primary practices. I don’t really frequent BALG or koettings material that much anymore.

But I’m completely grateful because without it, I would still be trying to figure all this shit out, without an Idea where to start. All anyone has to do is read a few interviews with this guy and you will see he is involved or was involved with some down right dirty black satanic ridiculousness out of Europe, most notably the order of the Nine Angles, which openly endorse murder, cannibalism etc, not just through magic. Fuck the magic part of it, they are endorsing people engage in psychotic behavior, how much more needs to be said. The fact that people are parsing this into a debate over their occult cred or their legitimacy is ridiculous. He’s a psychopathic piece of shit like the rest of those fucks. I’m not getting down on people’s home made or adopted satanic hat have you, what ever. Go worship Satan and shit, but the second you start talking about or endorsing killing people, your a fucking predator class member, and all your rights and legitimate access to safety when you are around me and mine goes out the window.

It’s actually surprising this needs to be said. How far gone is the species when we entertain the ins and outs’ of some murder endorsing monsters ideology, when instead the rational and moral thing to do is to condemn him, but I guess that’s the length that solipsists go to to justify their fucked up version of reality isn’t it. The ONA doesn’t endorse the murder of random people. They do however encourage the “culling” of useless people, cowards, etc. Potential victims are tested 3 times to prove their worth. If they fail all of these tests they are “sacrificed” either in a ritual context or their death is made to look like an accident, suicide, gang related shooting, or something of the sort.

I’ve read a large portion of their publicly released writings, and nowhere have I seen anything about cannibalism. Where did you pick up that bit of information? And for the record, I’m not a member, nor does the ONA really need me to defend their reputation, just thought I would clarify some of the bullshit from your post. Since Lucifer means light bearer, what should I take away from Lucifuge which means that which flees away from light? Is Koetting dealing with a spirit that can’t stand light, which could just be the light of scrutiny? Bad name for some entity supposedly so powerful. This guy is also fooling around with runes.

His concepts of rune is inadequate. He has grasped some stuff about runes, and then he also just goes way off with “reversals” for the “left hand path” and such. His knowledge of the lore and tradition doesn’t fit anything I have ever studied myself either. For instance, the Etins, or giants, are not the gods of the Teutonic path. Yet Koetting believes that the Etins are the gods. I wouldn’t put much stock in this Koetting guy, and certainly nothing where runes are concerned.

As for agreeing with Thad, I don’t always see eye to eye with his articles. On the other hand, harsher critics should get their own responses published. I would like to see a more sustained position from critics than just short blurps on a thread so that we could know where he’s coming from. If any critic would write something, I would definitely read it. If you believe Thad unworthy, then take the reins, and write an article. I don’t care for Koetting very much, but the manner you go about bashing him here comes off as hypocritical.

You ridicule this person’s take on occultism, claim they worship Satan (does he really?), and then say “it’s about mastering your daemons and making contact with your Holy Guardian Angel” as if you are an occult authority to anyone but yourself. The idea of the HGA is a modern concept from western Hermetic magic, almost nobody outside of that milieu will even know what that means.

Just like everyone in the world doesn’t understand or believe in karma (I certainly do), but you claim to understand it as a concrete truth because of visionary experiences you had which are completely unique unto yourself. Spirituality is a fluid and subtle matter by default, you cannot expect the same rules to apply to everyone without variance. Referring to left hand path practitioners collectively as “retarded” does a disservice to the ancient Hindu and Buddhist tantrik traditions which have had a profound influence on western occultism. Finally, after a few paragraphs of slamming someone for claiming access to godhood, you close by explaining what “godhood” actually is. I’m not picking sides here, I just think you could critique Koetting in a more objective manner without all the ad hominem attacks. Honestly I’m mostly familiar with the term from Hindu tantra. Right now I live about two hours from Tarapith, West Bengal.

There Ekajati is known as Ma Tara and she is not known as a bodhisattva and is worshipped through blood sacrifice, consumption of intoxicants, and all manner of burning ground shenanigans. People here who identify as LHP practitioners do use “black magic” for materialistic ends in certain cases. As you said, it could mean something different altogether for tantrik Buddhists, Hindus, and western occultists. That’s really why I was pointing out how collectively labeling the LHP as “retarded” doesn’t work because it’s different for everybody. You’re right the moniker is probably far too inclusive. I think the comfort of using ‘LHP’ as an insult, comes from the western tradition of seeing the types involved in satanism- and the means and goals they wish to accomplish.

I don’t consider using magick formonetary ends as LHP work. I think it’s practical. Re: ekajati, there is no question she is a fierce goddess, and not accessible to the uninitiated, but in bon, she often is called on to exorcise demons. I am not that personally familiar with hindu tantra. It seems like you have had some interesting experiences. Thanks for the well-considered reply.

Yeah, it’s now been pointed out to me that maybe I was a bit harsh on the left hand path because most of what I’ve found about it on the internets is all upside down pentagram “I worship Satan” bullshit ala Koetting. But to be fair, Kenneth Anger made some cool movies 30 years ago, is a complete moron and hasn’t done anything interesting since.

Genesis P Orridge has done waaaaaaaay tooooo many drugs in his life and honestly, I think his art has suffered because of that. So maybe, you know, it isn’t that great an idea. Instead of attacking Koetting’s style ( which is a petty argument ), I’m more interested in what makes auto-apotheosis so inherently erroneous. In all these years of being involved with the occult, I’ve seen many with a spiritual inclination enter into this field ill prepared to take the full consequence of their involvement and turn back to a more religious approach of routine, moral considerations and balance ( i.e. A degree of conformity ). For example, instead of doing the actual blood sacrifice, they’d rather metaphorize it into a eucharist. Left hand path occultists are magical literalists, only aiming for results.

The revelation of having in oneself dormant and total power, and therefore total responsibility, can hit hard. So many go venture back, safely, to an occasional theorization and practise of the occult, more aimed at wellness than taking it to its logical extremities. Do what Thou Wilt.

The path Koetting and many others are treading might look like a Peter Pan syndrome gone bad ( this can be said about any serious occultist though ), and sure, it’s transparant marketing, but the message of total power is still there, regardless of its tacky wrappings. Well, Becoming a living god worked out pretty well for Adolf Hitler, didn’t it? Godwin’s law!) nothing degrades an argument like a good Hitler metaphor, but here, it actually applies. All kinds of occult tricks went into that particular tale of mortal godhood custom sigils and runes, ritual gestures, neurolinguistic programming, the “Triumph of the Will,” blood sacrifice on a scale never before seen, even the stupid mustache was part of the spell all a splendid success, to be sure, up until the point where he found out that even gods fail. And now his name is synonymous with pure evil, and the mere invocation of it in comparison to someone else is considered a vile, tasteless slur, because seriously, man, Hitler?

Nobody’s even seriously worn the stupid mustache since then. That’s what becoming a living god gets you first you die, hunted, hated, and in shame, and then you become a WARNING for future generations. That could be described as a cargo cult of sorts, and is to me, personally, of little interest. In that sense a gnostic dualistic view can keep one from admitting too much importance to this profane world. But again, a lot of that depends on personal traits. There are some cool gods out there, not all aspire a to be Ialdabaoth, but yes, you definitely could be one here and now, if you’re impatient.

According to some LHP traditions the real deal happens when we die and can either transmute ourselves into gods, merge with the godhead, or reincarnate. I believe that to be possible, and so to me a living god is an oxymoron. Life might be the preliminary for real godhood, and everything before that is tinkering, gymnastics, before the real competition, where the real apotheosis happens.

Might as well give that a shot without being an asshole to others with whom I share the same mortal coil. Very disappointing post loaded with self-referential proselytizing. This petty ego-battle shit is the same utter nonsense we see between practitioners of mainstream religions and the hair-splitters of different sects within single religions.

My personal opinion is that I keep my eyes peeled for the next lead and follow it up when I see it. One thing just leads to another and another and another and that’s the way it is for me – FOR ME and that’s why I work that way and don’t advise anyone else to do so. I feel sorry for anyone who needs to waste their energy writing a scree about someone that sees the world through different eyes because everything appears differently to them.

I read Thad’s posts and follow him on Twitter because I find his take on reality interesting and amusing. But this world is far too subjective to bother with ‘debunking’ other free-thinkers for whatever it is they do to get their spiritual jollies (unless they infringe on what you perceive to be your personal space/rights/property). But hey, some people are vampires like that and that’s their thing. This whole post could roughly translate to: “I dream-fucked your mom and my spirit cock is bigger than yours.” •. LOL No, that I actually agree with and the title “How to Become A Living Douche” cracked me up when I read it.

I honestly didn’t want to come off like I was defending him, but felt your approach was a bit questionable and wanted to point that out. From what I know of Koetting’s work, there is a lot to legitimately criticize for sure. I just thought you could have done a better job pointing out those things while still keeping a humorous tone. The guy is unintentionally hilarious and when I first saw that Lucifuge Rofocale video I felt like I was watching a Tony Robbins infomercial in Hell. Entertaining is definitely a good approach–occultists who take themselves too seriously end up becoming a mockery of themselves. One man’s path of enlightenment is another man’s bullshit mystic babble used to fleece unsuspecting marks. Not a dig, in fact at face value our magickal approaches are not dissimilar.

Probably compatible. Many people find his methods increase their magickal potency. I totally respect that. From the book and blog, i can appreciate aspects of things he says.

We both have a buddhist background. However, we have some serious philosophical and practical differences that cannot be resolved. I only mention it, as i would not write about that sort of practice either in rebuttal or in analysis- less to do with the grouping and more to do with personal interest/practice/philosophy. I am more interested in the socio-cultural context of magick, the comparative definition of magico-religious practices, and the practice of spiritism-in conjuction with sorcery (although as i say those things i noticed he wrote an article on ‘ecclecticism’ that encompasses several of those ideas- and we don’t differ, as far as i read, on the historical analysis, however brief it was).

I may agree that to delineate a difference in the magickal and the mundane, inhibits magical acts- but i see external, systemic causes behind the fact people are often inhibited in the mundane. Out of curiosity, have you read any of his works or have you only watched his videos?

I also agree with Kalibhakta about the way you present this information or “disinformation” rather. You clearly demonstrate how much the right hand path has helped you evolve beyond such an obvious amount of pent up rage.

I am not a troll here. I am just saying that your post seems ignorant as well as your reply to Kalibhakta when you said you arent even good at your practice. It seems that your efforts have gotten you nowhere. Which is OK because we all develop at individual rates. From what I see here you have read none of his work and neither have many of the people replying to your rant.

Using words like “I suspect” or “probably” are clear indications that the person using these words is uncertain of what they are talking about. It means you do not know and therefore have no place to say anything about that subject with such conviction as if you do. It really send the wrong message about you.

Have a good evening. Meh 3 points on this article.

1.) LHP is exactly as you described but i highly doubt your “Holier than thou” attitude could protect you from some the obsessions and fetishes these poor sorcerers face.