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FLYING IN FRANCE. Pascal Pichon. West London Aero Club, 17-May-2012. To provide a British pilot who is planning to fly VFR in France with additional. Approach chart. They are several ways to get approach charts, for instance you can buy them (a Delage). But this means carrying a lot of charts you do not need.

This disclaimer is posted here in order to provide you with background information on the reviewer and any connections that may exist between him/her and the contributing party. © 2007 - AVSIM Online All Rights Reserved.

Welcome to the VATFrance charts system Here, you'll be able to find all the charts for almost all French airports, and, if avalaible, a pilot briefing. You can scroll down the list and click on the chart you are interested in, or type in the search box above the 4 characters ICAO code for the airport that you need. You can also type only the 2 last character of the ICAO code, for example, for 'LFPG', only type 'PG'.

France Vfr Charts

Sock Template Illustrator. All charts are up to date, currently running cycle 1712. Here is a little help with the meaning of the chart names: - ALL: A bundle of all the charts of the airport. - BRIEFING: A special for-vatsim pilot briefing.

- OACI, ADC, GMC: Ground movement charts - APDC: Parking charts - TEXT, DATA: Text data and information - SID, STAR: SID and STAR charts - IAC: Approach and transitons charts. Logicnp Cryptolicensing Crack.