Supported by: • • Commanders and leaders (Shah of Durrani Empire) Wazir Wali Khan Shah Pasand Khan Jahan Khan Hafiz Rahmat Khan Dundi Khan Banghas Khan (commander-in-chief of Maratha Army) Bhivrao Panse Purandare Vinchurkar (Infantry & Cavalry) Sidoji Gharge Strength 42,000 cavalry 38,000 infantry 10,000 reserves 4,000 personal guards 5,000 120–130 pieces of cannon large numbers of irregulars totally an army of 100,000. 40,000 cavalry 15,000 infantry(divided to 9 battalions of Gardi rifle infantry) 15,000 200 pieces of artillery. The force was accompanied by 300,000 non-combatants (pilgrims and camp-followers) totally an army of 70,000.

Panipat Pdf In Marathi GoatPanipat Pdf In Marathi Goat

Panipat Pdf In Marathi Essay. 5/11/2017 0 Comments HISTORY OF THE MOGHUL EMPIRE. Amazingly, when the Moghul emperor begs for.

Casualties and losses ~40,000 combatants killed. Estimates between 30,000 and 40,000 combatants killed in the battle. Another 40,000–70,000 non-combatants massacred following the battle.

The Third Battle of Panipat took place on 14 January 1761 at, about 60 miles (97 km) north of, between a northern expeditionary force of the and invading forces of the,, supported by two Indian allies—the Afghans of the, and, the Nawab of. Militarily, the battle pitted the artillery and cavalry of the against the heavy cavalry and mounted artillery ( and ) of the Afghans and Rohillas led by Abdali and, both ethnic. The battle is considered one of the largest and most eventful fought in the 18th century, [ ] and has perhaps the largest number of fatalities in a single day reported in a classic formation battle between two armies. The specific site of the battle itself is disputed by historians, but most consider it to have occurred somewhere near modern-day Kaalaa Aamb and Sanauli Road. The battle lasted for several days and involved over 125,000 troops. Protracted skirmishes occurred, with losses and gains on both sides.

The forces led by came out victorious after destroying several Maratha flanks. The extent of the losses on both sides is heavily disputed by historians, but it is believed that between 60,000–70,000 were killed in fighting, while the numbers of injured and prisoners taken vary considerably. According to the single best eyewitness chronicle—the bakhar by Shuja-ud-Daulah's Diwan Kashi Raj—about 40,000 Maratha prisoners were slaughtered in cold blood the day after the battle. Grant Duff includes an interview of a survivor of these massacres in his History of the Marathas and generally corroborates this number. Shejwalkar, whose monograph Panipat 1761 is often regarded as the single best secondary source on the battle, says that 'not less than 100,000 Marathas (soldiers and non-combatants) perished during and after the battle.' The result of the battle was the halting of further Maratha advances in the north, and a destabilisation of their territories, for roughly ten years.

This period is marked by the rule of, who is credited with the revival of Maratha domination following the defeat at Panipat. In 1771, ten years after Panipat, he sent a large Maratha army into northern India in an expedition that was meant to re-establish Maratha domination in that area and punish refractory powers that had either sided with the Afghans, such as the Rohillas, or had shaken off Maratha domination after Panipat. The success of this campaign can be seen as the last saga of the long story of Panipat. Extent of the, 1795 The decline of the following the (1680–1707) led to rapid territorial gains for the. Under Peshwa Baji Rao, Gujarat, Malwa and Rajputana came under Maratha control. Finally, in 1737, Baji Rao defeated the Mughals on the outskirts of Delhi and brought much of the former Mughal territories south of Delhi under Maratha control.

Baji Rao's son further increased the territory under Maratha control by invading Punjab in 1758. This brought the Marathas into direct confrontation with the Durrani empire of (also known as Ahmad Shah Durrani). In 1759 he raised an army from the and tribes and made several gains against the smaller Maratha garrisons in Punjab. He then joined with his Indian allies—the Rohilla Afghans of the Gangetic Doab—forming a broad coalition against the Marathas. The Marathas, under the command of, responded by gathering an army of between 45,000–60,000, which was accompanied by roughly 200,000 non-combatants, a number of whom were pilgrims desirous of making pilgrimages to Hindu holy sites in northern India. The Marathas started their northward journey from Patdur on 14 March 1760. Both sides tried to get the Nawab of Awadh, Shuja-ud-Daulah, into their camp.

By late July Shuja-ud-Daulah made the decision to join the Afghan-Rohilla coalition, preferring to join what was perceived as the 'army of Islam'. This was strategically a major loss for the Marathas, since Shuja provided much-needed finances for the long Afghan stay in North India. It is doubtful whether the Afghan-Rohilla coalition would have the means to continue their conflict with the Marathas without Shuja's support. [ ] Rise of the Marathas [ ] The Marathas had gained control of a considerable part of India in the intervening period (1707–1757). In 1758 they occupied Delhi, captured and drove out, the son and viceroy of the Afghan ruler, Ahmad Shah Abdali. This was the high-water mark of the Maratha expansion, where the boundaries of their empire extended in the north to the Indus and the Himalayas, and in the south nearly to the extremity of the peninsula.

This territory was ruled through the, who talked of placing his son on the Mughal throne. However, Delhi still remained under the nominal control of Mughals, key Muslim intellectuals including Shah Waliullah and other Muslim clergy in India who were alarmed at these developments. In desperation they appealed to Ahmad Shah Abdali, the ruler of Afghanistan, to halt the threat. Afghan royal soldiers of the Durrani Empire. Battle [ ] In the final phase the Marathas, under Scindia, attacked Najib.

Najib successfully fought a defensive action, however, keeping Scindia's forces at bay. By noon it looked as though Bhau would clinch victory for the Marathas once again. The Afghan left flank still held its own, but the centre was cut in two and the right was almost destroyed. Ahmad Shah had watched the fortunes of the battle from his tent, guarded by the still unbroken forces on his left. He sent his bodyguards to call up his 15,000 reserve troops from his camp and arranged them as a column in front of his cavalry of musketeers () and 2,000 swivel-mounted shutarnaals or Ushtranaal—cannons—on the backs of camels.

[ ] Outflanked [ ], seeing his forward lines dwindling and civilians behind, had not kept any reserves, and upon seeing Vishwasrao disappear in the midst of the fighting, he felt he had no choice but to come down from his elephant and lead the battle. Vishwasrao had already been killed by a shot to the head. Bhau and his loyal bodyguards fought to the end, the Maratha leader having three horses shot out from under him. At this stage Holkar, realising the battle was lost, broke from the Maratha left flank and retreated. The Maratha army was routed and fled under the devastating attack. While 15,000 soldiers managed to reach, the rest of the Maratha forces—including large numbers of non-combatants—were either killed or captured.

Reasons for the outcome [ ] Durrani had both numeric as well as qualitative superiority over Marathas. The combined Afghan army was much larger than that of Marathas. Though the infantry of Marathas was organized along European lines and their army had some of the best French-made guns of the time, their artillery was static and lacked mobility against the fast-moving Afghan forces. The heavy mounted artillery of Afghans proved much better in the battlefield than the light artillery of Marathas. [ ] Moreover, the senior Maratha chiefs constantly bickered with one another. Each had ambitions of carving out their independent states and had no interest in fighting against a common enemy.

Some of them didn't support the idea of a round battle and wanted to fight using guerilla tactics instead of charging the enemy head-on. [ ] The Marathas were fighting alone at a place which was 1000 miles away from their capital. Peshwa's decision to appoint as the Supreme Commander instead of or proved to be an unfortunate one, as Sadashivrao was totally ignorant of the political and military situation in North India. If Holkar had remained in the battlefield, the Maratha defeat would have been delayed but not averted. Ahmad Shah’s superiority in pitched battle could have been negated if the Marathas had conducted their traditional ganimi kava, or guerrilla warfare, as advised by, in Punjab and in north India. Abdali was in no position to maintain his field army in India indefinitely.

Massacres after the battle [ ] The Afghan cavalry and pikemen ran wild through the streets of Panipat, killing tens of thousands of Maratha soldiers and civilians. The women and children seeking refuge in streets of Panipat were hounded back in Afghan camps as slaves. Children over 14 were beheaded before their own mothers and sisters.

Afghan officers who had lost their kin in battle were permitted to carry out massacres of 'infidel' the next day also, in Panipat and the surrounding area. They arranged victory mounds of severed heads outside their camps. According to the single best eye-witness chronicle – the bakhar by 's Diwan Kashi Raj – about 40,000 Maratha prisoners were slaughtered in cold blood the day after the battle. According to Mr. Hamilton of Bombay Gazette about half a million were present there in Panipat town and he gives a figure of 40,000 prisoners as executed by Afghans. [ ] Many of the fleeing Maratha women jumped into the Panipat wells rather than risk rape and dishonour.

All of the prisoners were transported on bullock carts, and elephants in bamboo cages. Siyar-ut-Mutakhirin says: [ ] “ The unhappy prisoners were paraded in long lines, given a little parched grain and a drink of water, and beheaded. And the women and children who survived were driven off as slaves – twenty-two thousand, many of them of the highest rank in the land. ” Aftermath [ ]. Restored the Maratha domination on northern India, within a decade after the war. The bodies of and Bhau were recovered by the Marathas and were cremated according to their custom.

Bhau's wife Parvatibai was saved by Holkar, per the directions of Bhau, and eventually returned to., uninformed about the state of his army, was crossing the Narmada with reinforcements when he heard of the defeat. He returned to Pune and never recovered from the shock of the debacle at Panipat. Jankoji Scindia was taken prisoner and executed at the instigation of Najib.

Was tortured and executed by enraged Afghan soldiers. The Marathas never fully recovered from the loss at Panipat, but they remained the predominant military power in India and managed to retake Delhi 10 years later. However, their claim over all of India ended with the three, almost 50 years after Panipat. The Jats under benefited significantly from not participating in the Battle of Panipat.

They provided considerable assistance to the Maratha soldiers and civilians who escaped the fighting. Suraj Mal himself was killed in battle against in 1763. Suraj Mal died on 25 December 1763 fighting the Rohillas under Najib, the very people against whom he could have helped the Marathas. [ ] Ahmad Shah's victory left him, in the short term, the undisputed master of North India. However, his alliance quickly unravelled amidst squabbles between his generals and other princes, the increasing restlessness of his soldiers over pay, the increasing Indian heat and arrival of the news that Marathas had organised another 100,000 men in the south to avenge their loss and rescue captured prisoners. [ ] Though Abdali won the battle, he also had heavy casualties on his side. So, he sought peace with the Marathas.

These circumstances forced Abdali to leave India at the earliest, never to return again. Before departing, he ordered the Indian chiefs, through a Royal Firman (order) (including Clive of India), to recognise as Emperor. Ahmad Shah also appointed Najib-ud-Daula as ostensible regent to the Mughal Emperor. In addition, Najib and Munir-ud-daulah agreed to pay to Abdali, on behalf of the Mughal king, an annual tribute of four million rupees. This was to be Ahmad Shah's final major expedition to North India, as he became increasingly preoccupied with the increasingly successful rebellions by the Sikhs. [ ] Abdali, haven't had achieved much from the battle of Panipat, died soon after on 16 October 1772 in Kandahar Province.

Shah Shuja was to regret his decision to join the Afghan forces. In time his forces became embroiled in clashes between the orthodox Afghans and his own followers. He is alleged to have later secretly sent letters to Bhausaheb through his spies regretting his decision to join Abdali. [ ] After the Battle of Panipat the services of the Rohillas were rewarded by grants of Shikohabad to Nawab Faiz-ullah Khan and of Jalesar and to Nawab Sadullah Khan. Najib Khan proved to be an effective ruler. However, after his death in 1770, the Rohillas were defeated by the.

[ ] Najib died on 30 October 1770. Further information: The valour displayed by the Marathas was praised by Ahmad Shah Abdali. The Third Battle of Panipat saw an enormous number of deaths and injuries in a single day of battle. It was the last major battle between indigenous South Asian military powers until the creation of and in 1947. To save their kingdom, the Mughals once again changed sides and welcomed the Afghans to Delhi. The Mughals remained in nominal control over small areas of India, but were never a force again. The empire officially ended in 1857 when its last emperor,, was accused of being involved in the and exiled.

The Marathas' expansion was delayed due to the battle, and infighting soon broke out within the empire. They recovered their position under the next Peshwa and by 1771 were back in control of the north, finally occupying Delhi.

However, after the death of Madhavrao, due to infighting and increasing pressure from the British, their claims to empire only officially ended in 1818 after three wars with the British. Meanwhile, the Sikhs—whose rebellion was the original reason Ahmad invaded—were left largely untouched by the battle. They soon retook Lahore. When Ahmad Shah returned in March 1764 he was forced to break off his siege after only two weeks due to a rebellion in. He returned again in 1767, but was unable to win any decisive battle. With his own troops complaining about not being paid, he eventually abandoned the district to the, who remained in control until 1849 when it was annexed by the British Empire. The battle was referred to in 's poem 'With Scindia to Delhi'.

'Our hands and scarfs were saffron-dyed for signal of despair, When we went forth to Paniput to battle with the, Ere we came back from Paniput and left a kingdom there.' It is, however, also remembered as a scene of valour on both sides. Santaji Wagh's corpse was found with over 40 mortal wounds. The bravery of Vishwas Rao, the Peshwa's son, and Sadashiv Bhau was acknowledged even by the Afghans. See also [ ] • • References [ ]. • • ^ Roy, Kaushik (2004)..

Orient Blackswan.. • ^ James Grant Duff 'History of the Mahrattas, Vol II (Ch. 5), Printed for Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, and Green, 1826' • ^ T. Shejwalkar, 'Panipat 1761' (in Marathi and English) Deccan College Monograph Series.

I., Pune (1946) • Black, Jeremy (2002). Warfare In The Eighteenth Century.

• ^ Roy, Kaushik. India's Historic Battles: From Alexander the Great to Kargil.

Ptv Drama Serial Gharoor Episode 11. Permanent Black, India. • Agrawal, Ashvini (1983).

'Events leading to the Battle of Panipat'. Studies in Mughal History. Motilal Banarsidass.

• War Elephants Written by Konstantin Nossov, Illustrated by Peter Dennis Format: Trade Paperback • Chandra, Satish (2004). 'Later Mughals'. Medieval India: From Sultanate to the Mughals Part II. • James Rapson, Edward; Wolseley Haig; Richard Burn; Henry Dodwell; Robert Eric Mortimer Wheeler (1937). The Cambridge History of India: The Mughul period, planned by W. Cambridge University Press.

13 January 2011. Retrieved 26 March 2012. • Claude Markovits, A history of modern India, 1480–1950. • Roy, Kaushik (2004).. Orient Blackswan.

• ^ Rawlinson, H. Cambridge History of India.

P. 424 and n. • ^ Barua, Pradeep (1994).

'Military Developments in India, 1750–1850'. Journal of Military History. 58 (4): 616... (Subscription required ( help)). Fall of the Mughal Empire.

• ^ Mohsini, Haroon.. Archived from on 13 August 2007. Retrieved 13 August 2007. • MacLeod, John (2002).

The History of India. Greenwood Press. Retrieved 2017-04-05. Indian Oil News.

From the original on 28 April 2008. Retrieved 8 April 2008.

Further reading [ ] • H. Rawlinson, An Account Of The Last Battle of Panipat and of the Events Leading To It, Hesperides Press (2006) •, Panipat' – a novel based on the 3rd battle of Panipat, Venus (1990) • Uday S.

Kulkarni, A Non Fiction book – 'Solstice at Panipat – 14 January 1761' Mula-Mutha Publishers, Pune (2011). An Authentic Account of the Campaign of Panipat. • Third Battle of Panipat by Abhas Verma Bharatiya Kala Prakashana External links [ ].

The eighteenth century after the death of Aurangzeb until the 1857 war is an era that is scarcely written about in English. The book corrects this deficit in Indian historiography. The Third battle of Panipat of 1761 occupies a pivotal place in this period as it was the largest and bloodiest clash of the eighteenth century. The loss of over a hundred thousand lives in a twelve hour period is a toll that will perhaps beat any of the wars fought in the world at any time up to the present. The battle is extremely relevant when one considers that it marked the first time a concept of 'India for Indians' and 'fighting for the nation state India' was enunciated and a foreign invader sought to be ousted.

The nation state of India was recognised by one of the principal protagonists - Sadashiv rao Bhau. This; barely a hundred years after the Treaty of Westphalia.

The clash was at the end of a campaign of nearly ten months and was fiercely fought with no quarter given. The story of this battle of valour, strategy and endurance is more than any work of fiction can ever be. For an aficionado of Indian as well as world history, this is a battle that cannot be ignored in understanding the history of the next fifty years. The advent of the English power in India, the French revolution shortly after and the war of American independence - all had a bearing on the future of India itself.

The last fifty years of the eighteenth century were extremely eventful and helped shape the world as we know it today. The campaign of Panipat, the emergence of the English in India in its aftermath and the later British raj that transformed the nature of the Indian state would perhaps owe their origin to the battle of Panipat, fought on the cold winter day of 14 January 1761 just after the 'Makar sankrant', or Winter Solstice according to the Hindus. The book tells this story with the help of maps, photographs dating back to the 18th century, exhaustive references and bibliographic pages, timeline, genealogies, introduction to principal characters, appendices, glossary and an index. With 34 preliminary and 313 pages of the main book plus TWELVE art pages with 32 colour photographs; this is the complete and definitive book on this momentous event that shook the Indian sub-continent.

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