Jan 26, 2014. This is a dungeon crawling story adventurer game, with lots of transformations, and naughty sexual encounters. Currently there is tg from male to female, rat girl transformation, ooze, a little vampire, wolf and lake monster. More transformations will be added as more levels of the dungeons are put in. Play Into the Dungeon! This is a dungeon crawling story adventurer game, with lots of transformations, and naughty sexual encounters. Currently there is tg from male.

I felt it was time for a TG sequence, so welcome back to the medieval fantasy universe! Supposedly the same one as Linyah resides in, if that matters to you.

Tg Transformation Flash Game

This time featuring Sir Richard Sharphammer just after erhm. Sort of defeating, a witch. There is a story in there, but it was kinda made up on the spot so sorry for any inconsistencies and for that it does not quite tie up properly. The same but an upgraded player is used compared to last time - you can go back and forth with A/D and Left/Right arrowkeys, but now you can also hold in a key to scroll through the images automatically, or hold in shift plus a key to do it faster. Frames were created in Kisekae2, the player written by me using Actionscript3, and the background image, which I do not own and make no claim over, can be found.

I know I said I would try to get the game up well before Christmas but I am starting to think December is just a bad month for me, since it keeps getting delayed, but I am still working on the game. I will still get the game up soon though, maybe a Christmas morning released. Been getting distracted by computer problems(even though I just bought this computer a few months ago!). I might have to send it back, which would be a huge pain. Plus holiday stuff and my sister is getting married as well.

Also I made the mistake of getting Kerbal Space Program for Christmas since it was on sale. 80 hours played, how is that even possible!? On the bright side, I could of finished the game already if i just slapped a few endings on(there was only a few paths I needed to finish) but instead I expanded some of the side paths a little. So even if there is a slight delay, the game will benefit from it. Any way look for it up on Christmas morning(or since I like sleeping in, probably late on night Christmas eve). The game is called Reindeer Games, and will involve tg, and Christmas related transformations(elf, reindeer, sex dolls(because toys are Christmas related)), plus some random stuff thrown in as well.

The game isn’t that long but has a lot of branching paths and set up so you can play through it multiple times. That is basically the reason for the original delay of the game, because it is a bit difficult to keep track of all the different paths and track down all the different endings and stuff. This entry was posted in on. Okay, I am done with my month off for the November novel writing month, and I finished my 50k story! Though as I mentioned before I kind of wrote everything and then ran out of a bit of story, and it was hard to get motivated towards the end of month. So while I did come up with some cool ideas to add, I also wrote a bunch of random transformation sex scenes with random characters from the story as well, just to add to my total.

Well it is a first rough draft, so it is okay I suppose. Will take some extra editing later though.

I did have some time to work on the Christmas game as well, and added a few scenes. Though the important thing is I got familiar with some of the stuff so I can remember what I was doing hehe. It had been a while. I will try to get it up soon, since I am sure there might be some bugs and stuff in it.

I started it a long time ago and left it and it needs some testing. I plan to update a version and fix any bugs and get the final complete version up well before Christmas. This entry was posted in on. So I been working on the novel I wanted to write for novel writing month. It is my first time writing a novel, so my outline wasn’t as good as it could of been. I ended up finishing most of the stuff before hitting the 50k words, so I had to work in a few more ideas. That slowed me down a lot, but I had written a ton early on in the month, so while my progress slowed down to a crawl, I am still on schedule.

This writing has given me some insight into my writing. I always knew I am better at writing a ton of stuff really fast, but over the long term I get more distracted. Though I realize having a very detail outline helps me stay focused really well.

Having a really detailed outline is a bit harder for games, since they branch out all over, but I think for the next game I write I will try that. Though that is after the Christmas game I will release next month.

I am going to try to knock that out early in the month, then get back to All Girls are Sluts. If I can get the novel writing finish early(though it is just the first draft), I will work a bit on the Christmas game. This entry was posted in on. The website broke for a bit but I managed to get it fixed! Though sadly all the stuff form the last two or three months got deleted!

Just stuff on the front page though it seems. So last update was August 5th and everything after is gone. Well there shouldn’t be anything too important missing. However, I did tell everyone earlier that I was taking November off for national novel writing month, because I am writing a book! So annoying that it just started and I already have to stop to go mess with the website to fix stuff breaking. Writing a novel is good practice, since I really need to improve my focus and dedication to finishing one project! So I am hoping to finish the entire novel this month.

So don’t expect any major update for games this month. However, I did find out how get the arousal reduction pills to work on All Sluts, though it required me to switch twine formats, which broken a bunch of code for the game. If I got time I will go and fix the code(I think I just need to replace all the random number generators since it uses a different syntax), and then I can put that update in. Also next month will definitely have updates for games, big ones! Including the Christmas game I never finished. It is basically done, it just need endings for a few of the paths.

Dino Buzzati Sessanta Racconti Pdf Files. I swear I will finish that game and release it! Since it shouldn’t take too long to actually do(once I start) I should have plenty of time to get an update on my other games as well, which will most likely be All Sluts and completing all the quests and entering into the afternoon level. This entry was posted in on. The latest game of demonic evolution is now over with Alvaro Akir just barely squeaking out a win thanks to the help of the oracle granting double dominance points for the turn! Also, in case anyone is wondering what was going on in the mountains, there was a lot of experiment actions going on to transfer and consolidate dominance points. Which allowed for some large swings for those people in that area(though no, the oracle bonus doesn’t apply to anyone giving you dominance points, only if you win them).

Edit: Oops, just after I finished the turn, I realized I may have made a mistake on something so it might not be over yet. I am adjusting it now! Edited, everything explained: I refactored the turn, as Jamie wasn’t actually enslaved. Which means Alvaro only had 22 dominance points instead of 26(needs 25 to win) needed to win, however the rules says the game will end once a person reaches 25 dominance points, and technically all actions take place at the same time. Originally there was some conflicts as everything happening at once gives a bit weird results at times so I rolled to see which actions would occur in which order, and it played out with a clear win for Alvaro. However, without Jamie being enslaved there was still a possible way to resolve the turn in which Alvaro still could win. That is if the game ends when someone goes over 25, even if they then fall back blow it.

The rules are not clear for that, so I rolled randomly to determine if the game would end in that scenario, the dice came up saying that it would. I then made some random rolls to determine, if the correct sequences of event would happen in the order needed to allow Alvaro to temporarily go over 25, and the random results worked out in his favor. Altogether, I ended up making 4 or 5 random rolls(with basically a 50/50 chance each time) and they all came up in his favor. Alfred Reed First Suite For Band Pdfs on this page. So while I kind of feel a bit bad about making the ending the result of random rolls, there was a scenario in which the events could be resolved for him to win, and it seemed like the fair way to resolve it when there was no clear rules, was to make a random roll.

I am thinking for next game, I might add a new stat for ‘speed’ or something to better determine what actions occur in what order in a round. So there is no grey area on this topic. Coincidentally, with all this said, Alvaro temporary jump over 25 to trigger the game to end, also causes him to lose a massive amount of dominance points, as it assumes that the very last thing to happen was for him to be enslaved by Jamie(so instead of taking the dp loss on his lowest score, he took it from his highest score).

So the end result is that he only has 15 dominance points instead of the 22 I mentioned above. Which means he didn’t actually win, he tied with Kharis. This entry was posted in on.

The turn is up now and I found out how to make the newest turn stay at the top, I will do that from now on since there is many many links for the game. For some reason while updating the location list all the apostrophe in faction’s names and stuff turned into f’s. I deleted them all and fixed it but then when I updated the new location list a bunch of had strange boxes in them. I am guessing a box and an f equals an apostrophe in some weird code conversion going between notepad and the site. Not sure why that happened but if you see any weird boxes or an f in a weird place, that is why.

Doesn’t effect the game, just something weird that happened hehe. Update: Everyone healed 5 health due to the healing crystal at the hospital. This entry was posted in on. Post navigation.