Comment by Zedd Taken From Old Guide: Applies to Truesilver as well Blasted Lands: just do full circuits, simple. Searing Gorge: again, just do full circuits. You can do what I do and do a full circuit of the perimeter of Searing Gorge, then drop down into The Cauldron and do a circuit of that (inside and outside). Also remember that at level 230, you can mine Dark Iron, so pick that up too. Badlands: two good places here. First is Camp Cagg.

Just do a circuit round it, taking in the Rock Elementals spawn point as you go. Second place is Lethlor Ravine. If you start by the Master Dragonscale Leatherworker and head into the Ravine and loop round to the north and back out and south past Uldaman back entrance, then you’ll pick up a good amount of Mithril.

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The Hinterlands: start at Aerie Peak and follow the cliff face to the south and east. Now just go around the south cliff face until your get past Jintha’Alor, then north up to Seradane and then west back to Aerie Peak. Western Plaguelands: do circuits of the Ruins of Andorhal.

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Azshara: start at the Legash Encampment and head east to the Bitter Reaches. Loop round to the north and back west along the coast past the Jagged Reef and then back down to the Lagash Encampment again. Winterspring: start at the Timbermaw tunnel entrance and follow the cliffs to the east past the Hot Springs and all the way over to Starfall Village. Just before you get there, head south to Lake Kel’Theril and then follow the cliffs west all the way back to your starting point. Felwood: only if your there. Don’t go out of way to mine here, but if you happen to be in the area (i.e.

Grinding Timbermaw rep) then look out for a few Mithril nodes here. Stonetalon Mountains: quick circuit of The Charred Vale can net you 10-15 Mithril ores. Desolace: grab yourself some underwater breathing potions and head to Ranzajar Isle. Theres a good number of Mithril nodes in the sunken ruins round here and very few people mine them. You can also take a run through the Valley of Spears and down to Mannoroc Coven to pick up the Mithril nodes there.

Tanaris: bit of a long one this, but can be well worth it. Do full circuits of Tanaris, but drop down into The Noxious Lair and The Gaping Chasm to pick up the nodes that virtually nobody mines, unless they are questing in there. Comment by Zentoph For leveling mining, from 235 and beyond mining in searing gorge is especially good because you'll occasionally find dark iron deposits that will be orange to you, guaranteed skill ftw!

As always, you should check caves and I found that the cave in the NW portion of searing gorge has a spawn in the beginning, and one in the far back that you should check. Theres also a chest spawn on top of the cliff that over looks the water elementals as you first walk in and Highlord Mastrogonde was also found here, so that was two quick greens. Got up to 245 quickly after hitting 235 here, definitely recommend this place before anyplace else. Might want to throw in a badlands circuit if you can still benefit from iron, I levelled to quickly here to try that out. Comment by Caidos If you're patient (or have a lot of time to kill) Badlands is a good spot to get Mithril with minimal effort.

On the right side of the map, in Lethlor Ravine, there are two nodes on a quick respawn. One always spawns in the north entrance or top half of the area with elite dragons and the other always spawns in the south entrance or bottom half.

They have a quick respawn, between five and seven minutes, and cannot respawn outside of the area. Gives you plenty of time to browse forums, do house/school work, or whatever else while getting two nodes every seven minutes. Comment by Sinespe The Hinterlands is certainly a useful area for mining Mithril when it is still orange and yellow. When it becomes Green, however, and especially when you are also able to mine, Felwood has in it an added bonus. Perform the quest that gives access to the, and thus. (The quest is obtained from on the Alliance side and on the Horde side.) By turning in the Vitriol after your first circuit of Felwood, on all future circuits you can use the acquired to access the benefits of curing the four corrupted plant species in the zone:;;; and. Comment by thelazypeon Personally I found Hinterlands to be a horrible zone for mithril nodes.

My second time mining with a character and it was awful to find ore in this zone. I leveled mining from 137-199 all in Arathi Highlands in about 2 hours. I found a ton of Iron there and about 4 mithril nodes that respawned quickly. After looking at all these mining guides. Hinterlands and Tanaris were suppose to be the best for mithril. Well I did Tanaris before on my warrior and it was okay, so I thought I would try Hinterlands. I did 3 circuits of Hinterlands, including Skull Rock and Seradane.

I found 2 mithril nodes, 8 truesilver, 2 gold, and 2 small thorium. I play late/early so I was back here at 3 in the morning and I was finding all this truesilver which I couldn't mine. I went to Searing Gorge and had a MUCH better time finding mithril and dark iron which is great. The area is smaller than Hinterlands, but it's more mountainous, with multiple caves and quick respawning nodes. Edit * to my post. Searing Gorge is like Eastern Plaguelands for Thorium. Searing Gorge is very populous because of people leveling and going through to BRM.

So it really depends on your server/server time. You may go there and there is no ore, period. Badlands is right next to Searing Gorge and it is pretty much a dead zone on my server. It also has a lot of mithril, so if you can't find any in Searing Gorge, just go through the pass to Badlands.

Comment by Powdercake Although many people have found Hinterlands disappointing for Mithril, I just spent about two hours there and farmed 160 ore. (80 ore per hour). From my experience this has been the best place to find Mithril. Even when using an epic mount the nodes have usually respawned by the time I make my loop.

Here is a quick map I made of the circuit that I make around the zone: () Note: The red shaded areas means to go inside the cave. You don't actually need to go inside of the southern cave. Also, you can ignore the blue dots and the orange circle; they don't pertain to the mining circuit. I recorded all my data from farming Mithril in Hinterlands using the map that I linked. I did two 2-hour grinds, one at night and one in the morning. Total: (355) (324) (83) (62) (32) (20) (12) (10) (7) (3) (3) (3) (1) (1) Rates (Average): 88.75 per hour.

20.75 per hour. 15.5 per hour. 2.5 per hour.

1.75 per hour. 0.75 per hour. 0.75 per hour. 0.75 per hour. 0.25 per hour. 0.25 per hour.

On my server, this would come out at roughly 600g worth of mats. 150g/hour isn't bad for running in a circle. However, the purpose of my grind was to level blacksmithing, so sadly I won't be seeing much coin from this. 'A physician is not angry at the intemperance of a mad patient, nor does he take it ill to be railed at by a man in fever.

Just so should a wise man treat all mankind, as a physician does his patient, and look upon them only as sick and extravagant.' Comment by Strasaphere Hey, Well after reading a lot of these comments and trying out various places mining for Mithril I decided to write up something to just sort of 'Add my contribution' So I started the night off in 'The hinterlands' Which I was sadly, disappointed with. Making two whole rounds of the map only netted me 5 mithrill ore from a total of two veins. Like most on here.

It is entirely luck based. Some nights you might have a lot of Mith up ready to be mined, other nights will be bare. I found a lot of Truesilver in The Hinterlands, which of course I couldn't mine. I went back there at about 5am when I could finally could and I got 10-18 Truesilver in a round trip) After my disappointment in Hinterlands. I tried the next recommendation, which was 'Searing Gorge' Now.

I found this place right in the middle of the satisfaction bar. It had a decent amount of Mithrill so I didn't feel like my trip was wasted, Yet quite a lot of it was hard to get to such as in the 'Slag Pit' There was Also a lot of Dark Iron there which i will be going to collect a little later. All round I got a nice 29ish ore per round of Searing Gorge with a nice amount of Gold, Iron and Stone to put on the AH. Best Pua Routines Pdf Viewer. The falls in SG are higher than you think. I actually got a little!@#$y and died twice taking a short cut' Badlands.

All I can say I 'wow' (No pun intended) I must of got at least 50 Mithrill ore pre round trip. Basically, Just follow the spawn points located on the map above and that's the best route to take 70ish% of them where there and about 4 Truesilver veins.

The real 'Mithrill Mine' Pre'se Was right in the bottom Left corner I must of got 4 Mith veins and 1 Truesilver inside that cave with little resistance from the Ogre's that guard it. So by the time I had done two rounds in Badlands i was at 225 and a good 6ish stacks of Mithrill (that's with the Searing Gorge and Hinterlands) Got myself up to up to 230 and Put the rest on the AH which is 80g a Stack on my server. Add up all the Stone and Gems I got (7 star ruby's @ 10g each on my server) A few Cit's/Em/Aqua's Etc And 2 stacks of Iron ore. I made about 390(Ish) Gold from grinding 1-5am Not to mention i finally got past the dreaded stage of 225 Mining. This is going by the prices of my Server.

This doesn't guarantee that you will make that amount. But you should make a nice profit.

If you found this useful please rate it up for others to see and use. Magtheridon EU. Comment by andrewkard Most people would just buy it off the AH but on my server where a stack of mith goes for 120g and being very very poor at the moment and needing to raise my BS it was essential i had to farm so here is a quik guide that i wrote down where i compilled all the info that people have put down into a short 45 minute run thatll nab you a decent amount of ore. You start of in the badlands and do a cycle hit up camp cagg and the cave near it there are ussualy some nodes in there. Next head east along the cliff side checking the earth elemental spawns there are some nodes in those. Then continue to lethor ravine there are sometime 2-3 nodes in there as well head north to the makers terrace there are sometimes 1-2 nodes outside the entrance to uldamann and 1-2 inside the cave there next follow the cliff face west and check the elemental spawn by kargath there is ussualy a node in there. Then next hit the hinterlands i basically took the same route that powdercake has but i didnt go into seradane but I still nabbed about 8 nodes.

Next i hit up winterspring (if you make this your hearth before hand it takes about 15 minutes off the trip) following the same route Zedd says to and i got about 5 or 6 nodes next fly to stone tallon mountains and enter the charred vale this was a surprising spot for me since in the small area that you can do a circuit in about 3 minutes i found 5 veins in it and the mithril is always there since the only people ever there are questing and thier mining is ussually to low mine it. Next i went to ranajzar isle this place was very very cool other than the fact it had 7 nodes when i went there it was just an amazing enviroment to explore the many sea trenches were filled with many colorful fauna and many schools of fish swam everywhere and the rock formations jutting out of the sides of the trenches and forming stone archs were really cool you dont need water breathing potions either as there are a suffeciant amount of air bubbles to keep you down there for awhile. So all in all it took me about 45 minutes to complete and i got around 80 mithril ore so if you do that once a day youll get around 560 mithril ore a week so on my server where mithril goes for 120g a stack thats a whole lot of money.

Comment by Bandeeto Here I cleaned up your post for you a little because I agree it was a little hard to read: Most people would just buy it off the AH on my server where a stack of mithril goes for 120g, but being very very poor at the moment and needing to raise my BS it was essential I had to farm, so here is a quick guide that I wrote down. I compiled all the info that people have put down into a short 45 minute run that will nab you a decent amount of ore. You start of in the badlands and do a cycle, hit up camp cagg and the cave near it there are usualy some nodes in there. Next head east along the cliff side checking the earth elemental spawns there are some nodes in those. Then continue to lethor ravine there are sometime 2-3 nodes in there as well head north to the makers terrace there are sometimes 1-2 nodes outside the entrance to uldamann and 1-2 inside the cave there. Next follow the cliff face west and check the elemental spawn by kargath there is usualy a node in there. Then next hit the hinterlands, I basically took the same route that Powdercake has but i didn't go into seradane, and I still nabbed about 8 nodes.

Next i hit up winterspring (if you make this your hearth before hand it takes about 15 minutes off the trip) following the same route Zedd says to and i got about 5 or 6 nodes. Next fly to stone talon mountains and enter the charred vale. This was a surprising spot for me since in the small area that you can do a circuit in about 3 minutes. I found 5 veins in it and the mithril is always there since the only people ever there are questing and their mining is usually to low mine it. Next i went to ranajzar isle, this place was very very cool other than the fact it had 7 nodes when i went there. It was just an amazing enviroment to explore, the many sea trenches were filled with many colorful fauna and many schools of fish swam everywhere, the rock formations jutting out of the sides of the trenches and forming stone arches were really cool. You don't need water breathing potions either as there are a sufficient amount of air bubbles to keep you down there for awhile.

So all in all it took me about 45 minutes to complete and i got around 80 mithril ore so if you do that once a day you'll get around 560 mithril ore a week which on my server where mithril goes for 120g a stack that's a whole lot of money. Comment by Ehlayra After reading all these comments, I was all fired up to mine mithril. My hunter's JC was just starting mithril and it seemed like it should be easy. Go to badlands, mine mithril - should be easy. Nope, found a ton of iron, and 2 mithril nodes, but not the 6 stacks people were talking about. Next went to hinterlands.

There were some there, but I didn't get over 10 ores for 30 mins. Finally I went to sun rock retreat, where I remembered seeing mithril everywhere.

For about 3 minutes of running, I got 15 mithril, 3 iron, and 3 copper. My new method is this - get on Hunter, grind mithril for 3 minutes, and then go onto my main and grind crystallized elements and spidersilk for 30. Rinse and repeat. Comment by lilcx I'll make it brief, Tanaris and Hinterlands still seem to be the best places to mine. If you run from Gadetzan round anti-clockwise you should pick up a good few nodes usually containing about 2-3 ore.

Hinterlands it doesn't matter where you start. But i'm afraid it's a good bit of killing if your level 40-50 since in Hinterlands most seem to be around mobs of trolls and things. And Jintha'Alor isn't a great place for nodes really anymore i spent about half an hour around there and found 4 nodes in the whole place =/. Hope it helps =). Comment by dumac Uldaman is a great place to farm this if you are on a server with many miners on. The instance usually carries 2 to 5 Nodes in it. The area which the ore spawns in are quiet short too so you can fast and easy go around the area.

Remember it is 5 times per hour though, so you will end up most likely to have to wait some. My run with the DK took 32 minutes, i recommend using stop watch who is in game to see how long it takes.

You could also just note the time then you start and you go out to reset etc. Comment by toranky I haven't farmed in Thousand Needles yet, but Searing Gorge is also chock full o' mithril. I just spent about an hour (maybe slightly less) farming there and accumulated 249 mithril ore.

I kept doing circuits in The Cauldron, but more specifically, in The Slag Pit. If you go down into the Cauldron via the wooden walkway on the west side, I went in through the bottom entrance and found a few nodes down there, went in through the quarry door and farmed all those nodes, then continued to this area where there are a lot of Searing Flamewraiths. After I mined those nodes, I backtracked and jumped off the ledge at the entrance to grab some that were right outside and then ran back into the lower entrance where I started from (also right outside). By that time, all the nodes had already respawned. Farmed till I ran out of room.:D Here's a map (that I didn't make): Along with all the mithril I collected, I also got: • 12 gold ore • 13 truesilver ore • 5 citrines • 5 star rubies • 5 aquamarines • 3 black vitriol • 6 elemental fires (from the Searing Flamewraiths) • 1 heart of fire (from the Searing Flamewraiths) The Dark Iron dwarves are pretty spread out, so if you're around the same level as they are (which I am; I'm farming on a lvl 51 warrior), you have enough room to run around almost all of them if you don't feel like fighting. My server (Smolderthorn) is pretty dead, so I didn't run into anyone else (on either faction) whilst farming.

Heredis Mac Serial Numbers. I'll try 1K Needles next. Comment by toranky What I'm posting I think pertains to Alliance only.

I'm not sure what the quest chain is for Horde (maybe the same, but given by Pozzik instead of Fizzle?). I just spent about 35 minutes farming mithril in Thousand Needles. I hadn't been there before, so I didn't have the flight point to the Speedbarge. I ran from Desolace to New Thalanaar. I could've gone through Southern Barrens, too, I think, but I wanted to get the new flight points in Feralas. Also, I know from doing this on a higher lvl toon a few days ago that I could do a quest there (kill 7 Grimtotems) and it would open up a quest to take a boat from New Thalanaar to the Speedbarge, which I think is a lot faster than running or swimming.

The quest ended with me talking to Fizzle Brassbolts. I wasn't really planning on questing here, but I'm glad I picked up the first quest he gave me. It was to speak with Jinky Twizzlefixxit, who gives you 'Do Me a Favor?' She gives you the to do the quest, which you get to 'keep.' I say 'keep' because it's not in your inventory, but any time you are in Thousand Needles and jump into the water, it activates. It allows you to breathe underwater. It says there are flippers with it, but I'm not sure if I swim faster with them.

When I was at the border of Thousand Needles and Feralas, it deactivated when I crossed over to Feralas. I didn't notice a difference in swim speed (will have to test it again when I'm there). However, if you run along the seabed, your running speed is definitely increased. If you mount up on the seabed, your mount will run instead of swim.

You'll see the rocket-like fire from the flippers while you're mounted, but I'm not sure if you're getting the speed boost on top of ground speed. The nodes are pretty close to together and I got tired of mounting up every few seconds, so I just ran a lot of the way.

I mined 163 mithril ore and LOTS of gold. I mean it wasn't stacks like the mithril, but 31 gold is pretty good (from 9 nodes). I also found one truesilver node, one silver node, and 9 iron nodes. If you're looking for gold, I suggest going to the cave, Splithoof Hold, and up north near Westreach Summit.

Here's a screenshot of the nodes I mined today (I cleared out the database, so these are all nodes that I mined, not data that came with the addon). Comment by snypermk2000 i noticed that no one found the motherload yet. Well tonight i did. And holyfreeholy is it off the hook. Hour and a half of faming i got over 500 ore and 600-700 solid stone.

Burning Steppes, Dreadmaul Rock. There are 2 caves one on the east side and one on the west side. Simply farm out one cave work your way around the mountian to the other cave mine that one out and by the time you get back to the other side the first cave will be filled again.

Simply amazing. I did the whole run around the edge of the zone farming strat. 30min 3-4 stacks. Dreadmaul Rock. 1.5 hours 25 stacks easy. So if your looking for the 'easy' spot to farm mithril this is it for sure!

Comment by Jahrok Since CATA there is a surprising amount of Ore in THOUSAND NEEDLES. It may not be AS much as some zones but here is why it rocks. IF you are close to capped at level 35 places like Felwood would devour you. Well now there are not even Red/Aggro mobs in the water. You can swim easily and gather all the ore you want. Some IRON and some TRUE SILVER as well. Mainly MITHRIL.

IT sucks to swim if oyu were of level to sly, you could easily farm this up. Id also state the obvious an UNDEAD or DRUID in seal form is probably an advantage but then swimming sashes and swim speed potions and the like might help. Other than that its highly under rated and mostly undocumented since Cata. Lots of ore to be had. Comment by Morbidshade If you're still farming in Stranglethorn and in Burning Steppes, guess what? Something amazing happened during The Shattering! Cataclysm owners can now farm both Stranglekelp and Mithril in ONE area:!

When you fly to Thousand Needles your flight path there is now Westreach Summit. First thing you want to do is pick up and complete the quest, 'The Grimtotem are Coming' from Kanati Greycloud as soon as you land. Then, Motega Firemane will give you the quest, 'Two If By Boat'. This will swiftly take you to Fizzle and Pozzik's Speedbarge (Carbonite users can note the super fast speed in their map). Do not right click the buff out of curiosity, it does indeed remove you from the boat!

You will find upstairs. Finally, complete Pozznik's quest, 'Do Me a Favor?' and you will get a special buff ' that allows you to swim and run underwater anytime you are in Thousand Needles. Tip: Running on the ground, underwater is a LOT faster. Oh, Yes, there's more!

If you do the follow up quests: 'Down in the Deeps' , 'Pirate Accuracy Increasing' , and 'Circle the Wagons. Er, Boats' You will get your very own drivable! Now that you have completed these easy steps, you are now ready to farm and. Comment by Nattylite Dreadmaul Rock: Burning Steppes I just recently discovered a nice little spot for Mithril while I was passing through the Burning Steppes. The whole zone is pretty decent overall for the stuff (as well as a bit of Truesilver), but if you're looking for a really quick way to add a hefty amount of ore to your bags, check out Dreadmaul Rock. There are many nodes dotting the outside of the mountain, as well as 2 separate caves that are just littered with Mithril. I got about 4 stacks in a little over 10 minutes just from this one area.

I checked back about 10 minutes later, and most of the nodes had actually respawned, indicating a pretty darn fast rate. Comment by whiteraevyn Thousand Needles is the best place for Mithril in the game. BUT, it's all underwater.

If you haven't done the breadcrumb quest 'To New Thalanaar' in Mudsprocket (Dustwallow marsh), do that until you get to Alternately, any breadcrumb quest which takes you to that Goblin Party Boat in Thousand Needles should work. When you accept DitD, if you jump in the water in Thousand Needles, you will gain the 'Speedbarge Diving Helm' buff, which allows you to breathe underwater AND walk quickly along the bottom. This works in the entire zone! Walk along the bottom of Thousand Needles and mine your face off. You're welcome. Comment by parkerj316 If you are leveling your Miner and Herbalist and you are Alliance (not saying horde can't do it but it is faster for Ally to get there from SW) then I would recommend Burning Steppes. Just circle the area and be sure to stop by the mountain at the east end.

The mountain contains 2 caves ( one with ogres and the other with warlock type orcs) both will house a lot of mithril nodes not to mention all the nodes on the outside of the mountain also. This is also a great place to for leveling your Herb gathering from 230 to 300. Sungrass and firebloom a plenty and the there are spots of Dreamfoil to finish off to get to 270-300.

Burning Steppes also house a few NPCs to sell to if you need to clear out your bags in the middle of farming. Comment by sandreid87 The Irontree Cavern in Felwood @ 55,18 is absolutely ridiculous! I just sweeped through the entire cavern (I got about 30-40 Mithril Ores from it), got outside and flew over it, to continue my mining in the rest of the zone.

But by then the deposits inside had already respawned inside the cavern, so I literally had to turn around and mine the exact same deposites again inside. This happened to me twice in a row. The cavern is amazing. There are about 30 spawnpoints for the deposits in it. Sometimes when you are inside, you are surrounded by yellow dots on the minimap. It's quite common that there's at least 5-6 deposits on your minimap at the same time. There can easily be +12 deposits in the entire cavern at any one point.

On top of all this, the cavern is crawling with Moss Flayers, so if you're a Warrior or Feral Druid, you can quickly move around inside the cave with Charge-like abilities. They are basically just there to help you move around faster! Try it out guys! Thumps up if you had similar results, and please reply with confirms:) EDIT: 30 mins, 3 runs in the cave resulted in 160 Mithril Ore. This is no cavern. A mithril mine! Comment by TheWoWExp As of 6.0.3 I jumped on my mining alt and went different places in order to tally up the amount of ore that can be obtained in each zone with the best supply.

The information below does not pertain to going into caves or mines in order to gather the ore, unless stated otherwise. Normally I skip those places because unless the ore respawns by the time you’re running out, you’re wasting time not getting ore by figuring out how to get out of the area. Also, I’m going to automatically assume everyone has flying for the zones listed, as most of them aren’t suitable for land mounts alone. Every ten nuggets grants you an ore, so I'll simply be stating how much ore I'd gathered. Each zone was mined in for 30 minutes. --- Felwood This place had a lot of competition for me.

There were spurts of five minutes where I couldn't find a single node because there were so many farmers grabbing them up. With that having happened, I decided after completing the whole route for thirty minutes, I split the routes into two different areas, to not continue to be behind the competition.

There's a cave with a lot of ore in it, but there were so many people in there, it was pointless to wander in and out of. Entire map: Mithril Ore: 96 Truesilver Ore: 2 Gold Ore: 15 Solid Stone: 140 Lower map: Mithril Ore: 126 Truesilver Ore: 2 Gold Ore: 3 Solid Stone: 189 --- Thousand Needles A lot of people don't like diving underwater and swimming around looking for nodes; I'm one of those people, but I used my sea turtle for faster up and down travel, then used my flying mount to get around fast. There's hardly any competition here, so I gave myself a short route to improve the amount of ore I got if there were people around.

Mithril Ore: 103 Truesilver Ore: 2 Gold Ore: 4 Solid Stone: 175 --- Eastern Plaguelands This is a nice place to mine due to it being a place that offers two different sections of mining. The upper area, which is for Mithril, and the bottom area, which is Iron. You can kind of mix it up a bit by doing a route of the whole place, or stick to one specific route. Oddly enough, I had no (or very little) competition here when getting Mithril. Mithril Ore: 265 Truesilver Ore: 8 Gold Ore: 20 Solid Stone: 336 --- I wanted to also say that Badlands and Burning Steppes have a nice amount of Mithril nodes, but there was so much competition there it wasn't worth timing the thirty minutes. I probably would've gotten around 50 ore for each place by the time the timer went off, there were so many people in both places.

--- Maps of the routes I take can be found.