I bought a Mig welder on E bay with the description being in 'working order' of course they were lying. But before I knew that I bought some wire and replaced a few parts on the Euro torch and the variable capacitor shaft had broken off and I removed the PCB and got a new one and soldered it in place put it back to together and no wire feed but can hear a solinide working sorry for the spelling. So where do I go from here? I will put some pics up and check all connections but would like some advice on where to start. Thanks Murray. Has taken me a while to get back to this, have included a couple of pics and had another look at welder.

Today I feed the wire through from the spool manually until it was protruding from the end of the welding tip. When the welder is switched on at the power and the trigger is pressed I can a noise like a thinking I would get some sparks if I contacted the wire with metal. But nothing not sure where to start to track down the problem.

Any help appreciated. I will also look at some of the other threads. Click to expand.First - As long as you touched it on metal with the earth clamp connected to the same metal you would have got a spark (wear a welding helmet if you are trying this) If you did get a spark then next thing to look at is the wire feed system as it would appear that that isn't. First thing I'd do is test the wire feed motor by powering it up with a normal 12V battery to make sure the motor turns and the gearbox feeds wire The wire on the reel doesn't look very well wound but it's hard to tell from the picture. So not sure where to take this now I may need a little detail for this. I only had a look at DZ1 and it looks ok I dont know what a zener is either.

Next should I unhook R4 will I cut it or try to remove one pin from the board with a soldering iron of course. Is there other checks I can do to trace the problem but will need simple instructions. You might check the zener (DZ1), a shorted zener would kill the wire feed. This is the same type circuit. Jay Z And Linkin Park Collision Course Rarlab here. : It looks like if you unhook one end of the R4 resistor, it should make the motor run at full speed if the SCR (TH1) is good.

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Hi all I have now fixed my welder and it is working better than ever. Turns out I had a few problems with it. Firstly when I pulled it apart the relay on the board was burnt out you could see it through clear plastic so I changed that firstly but that still didn't fix it so I took the welders to the Boffins at work.

They discovered that the power output transistor was blown, but that still didn't fix the problem, they then discovered that the solder join on one end of the big white resistor was broken away from the board so they fixed that and now it runs better than it has for years. I hope this helps someone else with their welder. Cheers Chris. Click to expand.Hi Jutsin. Jogi Kannada Movie Mp3 Download.

May 15, 2010. Today I feed the wire through from the spool manually until it was protruding from the end of the welding tip. When the welder is switched on at the power and the trigger is pressed I can a noise like a thinking I would get some sparks if I contacted the wire with metal. But nothing not sure where to start to.

Not sure if you are posting in this post because you have the same type/model of welder or just that the original posters welder has same fault?? Either way you might have been better creating a new post and title it with something like welder nnnn no wire feed (nnn being your model of welder) It would then go on the front page of the forum as a new post. If you decide to leave your question on here then more details required If same machine type then is your circuit board (pcb) same as one shown in earlier posts? And a welcome to the forum.