Hi as I was about to follow the steps, i had network problems with my wireless router and I realized that my computer was connected with a random, unsecure network. All the problems disappeared! I tried exact same searches in this connection and there was no redirection. I disconnected from the unsecure connection and connected back to my own wireless network and the redirections started again.

Neodownloader 2 9 Build 165 BusNeodownloader 2 9 Build 165 Bus

Feb 20, 2017. 64-bit Service Pack 1 (Build 7601) =.Microsoft Corporation --- Navigateurs Internet (3) - 1s ~ GCIE: Google Chrome v56.0.2924.87 ~ MFIE: Mozilla Firefox 37.0.2 (x86 fr) ~ MSIE: Internet Explorer v11.0.9600.18537 --- Informations sur les produits Windows (9) - 0s ~ Windows Server License Manager. Seeds:1 Leech:0 2.6 Mb NeoDownloader v2 9 build 165.

I wanted to mention this before going any further. Does this help?

Should I do anything different or just follow the instructions in your previous post? Thanks again. Have included both checks. Redirect problem persisting. MBRCheck, version 1.1.1 © 2010, AD. PhysicalDrive0 Size Device Name MBR Status -------------------------------------------- 74 GB.

PhysicalDrive0 Unknown MBR code Found non-standard or infected MBR. Enter 'Y' and hit ENTER for more options, or 'N' to exit: Options: [1] Dump the MBR of a physical disk to file. [2] Restore the MBR of a physical disk with a standard boot code. Enter your choice: Enter the physical disk number to fix (0-99, -1 to cancel): Available MBR codes: [ 0] Default (Windows XP) [ 1] Windows XP [ 2] Windows Server 2003 [ 3] Windows Vista [ 4] Windows 2008 [ 5] Windows 7 [-1] Cancel Please select the MBR code to write to this drive: Do you want to fix the MBR code? Type 'YES' and hit ENTER to continue: Successfully wrote new MBR code! Please reboot your computer to complete the fix.

Press ENTER to exit. MBRCheck, version 1.1.1 © 2010, AD. PhysicalDrive0 Size Device Name MBR Status -------------------------------------------- 74 GB. PhysicalDrive0 Windows XP MBR code detected Done! Press ENTER to exit. I had ran combofix many months ago. Maybe that's making it look like it ran twice?

I could not find ComboFix2.txt also, likiri is a program that i have been using for few years. Same with syncplicity. Not sure if that matters and have scanned both. Same redirecting problem persists. ComboFix-quarantined-files.txt 2010-07-23 21:48:16. 2010-07-23 21:48:16 610 ----a-w- C: Qoobox Quarantine Registry_backups MSConfigStartUp-SoftickPPP.reg.dat 2010-07-23 21:48:16. Download Skype Video Call For Nokia N95 8Gb.

2010-07-23 21:48:16 628 ----a-w- C: Qoobox Quarantine Registry_backups MSConfigStartUp-HotSync.reg.dat 2010-07-23 21:48:16. 2010-07-23 21:48:16 622 ----a-w- C: Qoobox Quarantine Registry_backups MSConfigStartUp-eFax 4.reg.dat 2010-07-23 21:28:44. 2010-07-23 21:28:44 16,085 ----a-w- C: Qoobox Quarantine Registry_backups tcpip.reg 2010-07-23 21:14:36. 2010-07-23 21:21:11 82 ----a-w- C: Qoobox Quarantine catchme.log 2010-01-22 02:19:04. 2007-08-21 14:58:12 146,944 ----a-w- C: Qoobox Quarantine C WINDOWS system32 st325602.dll.vir 2006-10-29 22:24:04. There were no errors with defogger. ---- System - GMER 1. How To Install Navigraph Access here. 0.15 ---- SSDT 86E5ACC0 ZwAlertResumeThread SSDT 86E5AD80 ZwAlertThread SSDT 86E5FAD0 ZwAllocateVirtualMemory SSDT 86EFAAB8 ZwConnectPort SSDT 86E5AA80 ZwCreateMutant SSDT 86E5FC28 ZwCreateThread SSDT??

C: WINDOWS system32 Drivers SYMEVENT.SYS (Symantec Event Library/Symantec Corporation) ZwDeleteValueKey [0xAA378350] SSDT 86E59EC0 ZwFreeVirtualMemory SSDT 86E5AB40 ZwImpersonateAnonymousToken SSDT 86E5AC00 ZwImpersonateThread SSDT 86ED7C58 ZwMapViewOfSection SSDT 86EC7F48 ZwOpenEvent SSDT 86EF8C50 ZwOpenProcessToken SSDT 86E59BF8 ZwOpenThreadToken SSDT 86F11F78 ZwQueryValueKey SSDT 86EC3C10 ZwResumeThread SSDT 86E59B38 ZwSetContextThread SSDT 86E59CB8 ZwSetInformationProcess SSDT 86E59A78 ZwSetInformationThread SSDT??