FMS Data - Manual Install The recommended way to download data is through the software, which is available for Windows, Mac and Linux. Manual installer downloads are provided here for legacy reasons, and as a backup routine if there are any issues with updating through the Manager. Click the 'Download' button to download a particular dataset to your computer. The 'Access' button downloads an Access Code which you can use to unlock services based on Navigraph FMS Data hosted on other servers. If you are not logged in, you will be asked to do so before the download starts. Upon login you may also be asked how you would like to pay for the data. To download FMS Data you need a subscription to our FMS Data services.

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Have downloaded the new Navigraph for A318/319 and it only installed Navdatpro in Airbus_Fallback folder. Airbus cannot find Navigraph when loading - because of wrong line in a ini file. Is the Navigraph for the A320X compatible with A318/319 because I wanted to use navigraph and altered the line in the NavData.ini file and sent it to the Navigraph folder for the A320, and had no load error. Nice Plane - DMB Hello, You can use the Navigraph data if you want but you have to do as follow: [You may need the airbus X extended already installed] - Execute the airac 1410 for airbus x extended 1.15 or above - Copy the folder Navigraph -->Microsoft Games Microsoft Flight Simulator X aerosoft Airbus X Extended - Paste the Folder Navigraph -->Microsoft Games Microsoft Flight Simulator X aerosoft Airbus_Fallback Don't forget to select Navigraph on the Aerosoft.AirbusX.A318_19.Configurator.

Hello, You can use the Navigraph data if you want but you have to do as follow: [You may need the airbus X extended already installed] - Execute the airac 1410 for airbus x extended 1. Sony Bluetooth Keyboard Manual. 15 or above - Copy the folder Navigraph -->Microsoft Games Microsoft Flight Simulator X aerosoft Airbus X Extended - Paste the Folder Navigraph -->Microsoft Games Microsoft Flight Simulator X aerosoft Airbus_Fallback Don't forget to select Navigraph on the Aerosoft.AirbusX.A318_19.Configurator. ' Genius!!!!! Doesn't work for me. What are you using to create your flight plan?

How To Install Navigraph Access

How are you loading the flight plan? As a xxxxx01 or what? Are you using the Flight plan converter that worked so well for A 320/21? I'm using Flight Sim Commander, which works extremely well with all other aircraft. Generally, I make a flight plan without sid/star and save it to Airbus X only, then save and convert it to a company route. I can add sids or stars as necessary at that point.

How To Install Navigraph Access

Please see the Release Notes section of the Navigraph forum for detailed release information. (You need to be a registered FMS Data customer to access this forum section.) Core Features. Scan the computer to automatically detect installed addons and tools; Update all, or a subset, or the installed addons – individually.

Has always worked just fine on the A 320/321. I had assumed that the 318/319 would function much the same, but for some reason apparently not. Doesn't work for me. What are you using to create your flight plan?

How are you loading the flight plan? As a xxxxx01 or what? Are you using the Flight plan converter that worked so well for A 320/21? I'm using Flight Sim Commander, which works extremely well with all other aircraft. Generally, I make a flight plan without sid/star and save it to Airbus X only, then save and convert it to a company route. I can add sids or stars as necessary at that point. Has always worked just fine on the A 320/321.

I had assumed that the 318/319 would function much the same, but for some reason apparently not. Jack Hello Jack, I use PFPX for creating flights plan (without SID and STAR), Then, I export my flights plan to Airbus extended (A320/21) included in the PFPX option. Then I go to the folder //my documents//Aerosoft//aerosoftairbusextended/Flightplans, I copy the xxxxxxxx01.flp (created by PFPX) and paste it on the folder //my documents/Aerosoft/Airbus/FlightPlans. Then i start FSX and fly;-) Works fine this way.

But unfortunately, i don't use FSC, so I'am not able to help you.Sorry. Thanks for that. I've deleted everything and reinstalled with Anti Virus and Firewall turned off. Everything installed OK and cleanly, but the problem remains that the FMS does not recognize the ftp files in the Converter and that includes the four that were loaded with the aircraft.

I don't know who originally created the converter (a fine job though), but if someone knows, maybe he can be contacted to see if it can be adjusted to include the 318/319. That seems to be the problem, at least from what I figure, although I'm no developer. Everything else seems to have been corrected.