Manual is restricted for use by authorized personnel and is to be used for the sole purpose of providing routine instrument maintenance and repair services. 1.1 What ChemWell does. ChemWell is a computer controlled instrument system, capable of automating any or all stages of assay processing.

Chemwell Service Manual

The Awareness Technologies ChemWell® 2910 Automated EIA and Chemistry Analyzer is a fully automated system that runs both enzyme immunoassays and general chemistries in standard microwells. Its intuitive design allows the user to easily set up assays, perform routine jobs, quality control and index calculations to meet the demands of any modern laboratory. With a completely open system that is simple to program, the ChemWell® 2910 washes volumes, increases the number of washes, and even directs the probe to pick up and dispense a probe cleaning solution after each specimen. For added security, a password can be set. The ChemWell® 2910 automatically makes dilutions, dispense reagents, incubate, wash, read, and prepare final reports. The unit can be used as either a batch analyzer or a continuous loading random-access analyzer for performing clinical biochemistry tests. A truly reliable instrument, the ChemWell® 2910 delivers with precise pipetting of low volume specimens, elimination of carryover, and careful control of temperature.

The ChemWell® 2910 can also make pre-dilutions, but this is hardly needed since a high level of precision is achieved even with a meager 2uL sample. ChemWell® 2910 can process EIA at an ambient temperature or 37°C. An incubator is provided for biochemistry wells to provide precise kinetic reactions. Call us today to learn more about the Awareness Technologies ChemWell® 2910 Automated EIA and Chemistry Analyzer! 'Facing a 6,000 sq. Laboratory expansion, we were looking for a single-source vendor of high quality, refurbished equipment for an ambitious build-out of our molecular biology operation. From day one, I was impressed with GMI's energetic sales team and competent technical staff.

They put forth the effort to understand our equipment needs, brand preferences, and budget constraints. Their commitment to service extended far beyond simply providing our lab equipment; we wanted a 'drop-in' solution to minimize laboratory down-time. GMI met our exacting challenge by coordinating delivery, placing equipment on the lab floor, and performing installation on the day that was specified.

It was an impressive feat. $200,000 of gear, two trucks, six movers, one service engineer all in-and-out within a day. The equipment arrived in perfect condition, was placed exactly where we wanted it, and was installed and verified for use. When we embarked on building a new lab, we were looking for a vendor, but also for a partner.

Chemwell Service Manual

We found one in GMI. Copyright © 2016 GMI. Free Download Program How To Get Free Wifi On Carnival Cruise.

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Purchases are subjected to GMI Terms and Conditions of Sale found on our Contact and Ordering page. **Inventory changes daily, please call for availability and for items not seen or listed.

Chemistry analyzers are an essential instrument in all types of laboratories, from point-of-care facilities to high-throughput labs, to test for analytes such as proteins, enzymes, and electrolytes. These devices analyze samples of blood serum, plasma, and urine through photometric and immuno-turbidimetric assay tests. Leading manufacturers offer innovative models of these chemistry systems. Awareness Technology’s line of are among the most popular products in the market. A completely open system that is easy to program, Chemwell can set up assays, routine jobs, quality control, panels, and even index calculations to based on the laboratory needs. Automation eliminates the potential errors of manual analyses such as volumetric pipetting steps, calculation of results, and transcription of results.

ChemWell Analyzer Models • – This fully automated, random access analyzer for Biochemistry and lmmuno-Turbidimetric assays is designed specifically for lower throughput labs, specialty labs, and to serve as a dependable backup analyzer. It can run 100 tests per hour. Its advanced features include – • User-programmable open system • Complete QC package • Self-monitoring mechanicals and optics • – Entirely password protected, this completely open system can program additional wash volume, increase the number of washes, or even direct the probe to pick up and dispense a cleaning solution after each specimen. The device can run 200 tests per hour.

Features include – • Liquid sensing probe tip • 8-well wash head • Auto dilute and retest for over-range samples • – Capable of running general chemistries in standard microwells, the device can make pre-dilutions. The device handles up to 27 reagents, 96 samples.

Its intuitive new interface features: • Simpler assay programming • Easier to modify Report formats • “Drag and drop” sample and reagent positions • – This affordable automated open system for low-throughput lab enables ELISA and CLIA assays to run together on a single instrument, even within a single plate. This model gives clinicians freedom of choice when it comes to the assays and methods they want to use in their laboratories. Features include – • Pipettes from 2uL to 250uL • 96-well plates • 12 standard 8-well micro strips Choosing the right model for your lab is important. For instance, the use of a high-throughput analyzer for a small lab would result in waste of the device’s capacity and failure to achieve a reasonable return on investment. In addition to throughput, physical size and menu of available tests are also important when choosing a chemistry lab system.

Reliable suppliers of laboratory equipment provide professional guidance to help their customers make the right selection.