Programma Per Tradurre Pdf Writer

Per creare un documento dapprima un file.rst deve essere creato. Uno script crea un file di traduzione chiamato.po per la lingua inglese nella cartella:file: /QGIS-Documentation/i18n/en Questi “originali” sono copiati dallo script nella cartella i18n per le altre lingue The sentences in the.po files need to be translated from english to the language with a translation tool editor. Le frasi nel.po file devono essere tradotte dall’inglese nelle altre lingue con un software di traduzioni.

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When you want to contribute, first get a.po file and add translations for the sentences in the.po file. When you are finished the.po file is placed back in the right place and during the next build the build script now files next to the.po files. files are actually used by the script to create translated output. When afterwards an rst document is updated a new.po file is created in the english part. The contents of this new file will be merged with already existing.po files for each language. This means that when a new line is added to an rst document that was already translated, only the new/updated sentences are added in the translated.po file and needs to be translated. The amount of work for updating translations for next versions of QGIS should be relative small.

Due diversi strumenti sono attualmente utilizzati per la traduzione di QGIS: • the Transifex web platform, the easiest and recommanded way to translate QGIS, transparently does the process described above and pulls all the translatable texts in one place for the translator. He then just picks the files he wants and does the translation • Qt Linguist, a Qt development tool that requires the translator to pick and replace the.po files from the source code. Note that whatever tool you choose, rules of translations are the same. In order to translate QGIS with Transifex, you first need to. Bcc Noise Reduction Download Chrome. Once you got a team, click on the corresponding project and your language. You get a list of all translatable.po files.

Click on the docs_user-manual_plugins_plugins-heatmap to select the heatmap plugin file and choose Translate in the prompted dialog. Note that you can also choose to download the file and translate it with tools like Qt Linguist. The next page lists all the sentences in the file. All you need to do is select the text and translate following the. For further information on the use of Transifex Web Editor, see. First this core plugin needs to be activated using the Plugin Manager (see Section:ref:`load_core_plugin`). After activation the heatmap icon heatmap can be found in the Raster Toolbar.

In this case load_core_plugin is a unique reference identifier placed before an rst item that has a caption. The ref statement will be replaced with the text of the header and turned into a hyperlink.

When the header this reference is refering to is translated, all references to this header will be automatically translated as well. The next item contains the rst-tag:menuselection: followed by text actually displayed in a menu in QGIS application, this may be translated in the application and therefore should be changed when this is the case. The heatmap :sup:`Heatmap` tool button starts the Dialog of the Heatmap plugin (see figure_heatmap_2_). It holds a reference to a figure figure_heatmap_2_, and like a reference to section this reference should not be changed!! The reference definition itself from the rst-document is not included in the.po file and can therefore not be changed.

This means the reference to figures can not be translated. When HTML is created you will see figure_heatmap_2. Anuroopa Kannada Serial Actors Name.

When a PDF document is created figure_heatmap_2_ is replaced with a figure number. The next translation item with rst attributes is the following item.

For the following example, we will use the ``airports`` vector point layer from the QGIS sample dataset (see:ref:`label_sampledata`). Another excellent QGIS tutorial on making heatmaps can be found on ``_. This item also includes a hyperlink with an url and an external presentation.

The url should of course be left intact, you are allowed to change the external text which is visible by the reader. Never remove the underscore at the end of the hyperlink which forms an essential part of it!! • Do not change text between two characters like bronze , checkbox , labels , selectString , addLayer .

These are special tags used to replace images • Do not change references that start with the tag:ref: or:file: • Do not change references that end with an underscore like figure_labels_1_ • Do not change the url in hyperlinks, but you may change the external description. Leave the underscore at the end of the hyperlink, without additional spacing ( >`_) • Change the text inside quotes following:index:,:sup:,:guilabel: and:menuselection: tags. Check if/how it is translated in the QGIS Application. Do not change the tag itself. • Text between double stars and double quotes often indicate values or fieldnames, sometimes they need translation sometimes not. • Be aware to use exactly the same (number of) special characters of the source text such as `, ``, *, **,:. These contribute to the cosmetics of the information provided • Do not begin nor end the text hold by special characters or tags with a space • Do not end the translated strings with a new paragraph, otherwise the text will not be translated during the html generation.

Stick to above presented rules and the translated document will look fine! For any question, please contact the or the.