Nov 11, 2010 Free downloads; Office resources. INSTALLING GOOGLE MAPS IN WINCE FOR GPS INTERFACE. Unless you can actually find a Google Maps for Windows CE.

Sygic Gps Maps Download For Windows Ce Emulator

A lot of Chinese *Windows Mobile* devices come with it or a lot of *Windows CE* devices? If the former, sure, no problem; there's a Windows Mobile version of Google Maps. If the latter, I'm somewhat surprised. It's quite possible to extract the contents of the CAB file, put them in your OS directly, making the correct shortcut entries and registry entries.

Maybe that will work; maybe it's a violation of the license agreement with Google. Obviously, if you have some hot device that Google would want to be associated with, you can contact them and ask about the individual files needed to build it into a CE device. Hi Paul, I tried to install google maps for windows Mobile in wince 5.0 which is a cab file. It gives a error 'wrong Platform or OS'.

I saw lot of chinese gps devices comes with wince 5.0 installed with google Maps I'am just wondering,How the did it.If u came to know anthing Pls help some time. Cnh Est Crack. Thanks Paul....

It is no problem to change 'Platform' field by 'WinCE CAB Manager' utility and try to launch it again. But it becomes another problem with Win Mobile special DLL's, like 'aygshell' (also presents in CE), 'mfcce300', etc You don't need to install Google Maps to obtain GPS coordinates, just make a simple implementation of NMEA protocol with GPS module.

- Banyak Aplikasi GPS Navigasi / Navigator di windows CE. Tapi bagi saya yang sangat user friendly atau mudah digunakan adalah Navitel. Kalau tidak salah Nativel ini buatan dari Negara Russia (mohon dibenarkan kalau salah). Pertama jatuh cinta pakai Navitel sewaktu menggunakan di Android. Selain user friendly atau mudah digunakan dukungan untuk Map Indonesia juga tersedia di (Untuk cara install maps dan update map bisa langsung cek di ).

Navitel ini Applikasi GPS pertama yang saya gunakan di Windows CE 6. Serial Cantik Manga. 0. Selama pemakaian sih tidak ada masalah. Jadi untuk Navitel saya beri Rate 4. Aplikasi Navitel ini sudah Full, tidak ada expired masa aktif.

Untuk menggunakan Voice Indonesia silahkan cek di. Berikut ScreenShoot dari Navitel Windows CE 6.0.